One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, January 8, 2025

For January 1


Did you make New Year’s Resolution? They are made to be broken.

Here’s hoping you all had a nice Christmas season.

Whitewater had various activities during the holiday season. We had sleigh rides, the tractor was huge, owed by Allie Olsen. The weather was beautiful and ended with chilli and cornbread. Some had rodeo’s to go to.

There was a Christmas program at Whitewater school and Santa came.

We had a Christmas service at the Lutheran Church. I love to play the old Christmas carols. We ended the service by lighting the candles. It was beautiful.

Christmas Day Adam and Taylor Hellie had a delicious supper. Guests included Adam’s mom Dee Dee (she was a former Whitewater resident). A U.S. Border Patrol manager and family. Adam and Taylor have 3 sons. Their son Mitchell reminds me of my son Mitchell at that age.

Sally Austin spent Christmas at Joyce Donovan and family in Kremlin.

Many traveled over the holidays.

Thanks for the gifts. God Bless you all!

Helen A.

For January 8

Salute to Jimmy Carter former president of the United States, who died at the age of 100.

It is January 2025!

Here in Whitewater the children have enjoyed various activities which ended Jan 3rd. Now more basketball season.

The weather out here is beautiful for January. It is 30 above, very little snow.

My daughter Teresa, who lives in Swift Current Sask. Canada said they have two feet of snow there.

I remember many years ago we had a lot of snow at Christmas.

So, I have been trying to get a passport so I can cross the US Border into Canada. It is very complicated. No wonder there is trouble at the southern border.

Whitewater is 35 miles from the Canadian border.

The youth ranch has been purchased and being repaired. Good luck to the owners.


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