One Nation, Under God
December 10 Meeting
Following opening rituals, Mayor John Demarais opened the meeting of the City Council on Tuesday, December 10th at 5 p.m. Councilmembers David Rummel, Bonnie Wiederrick and Laura Pankratz were present; Bill Hicks was not present. Also in attendance for the meeting were Sara Warren; Julie McFadden joined the group later.
In the opening remarks from the Mayor, he stated he had traveled to Havre to attend a meeting. He stated, “I made a practice run to Havre on Thursday in anticipation for a meeting that is coming up this Thursday!” Councilmember David Rummel asked “Did you learn the way there?” to which Demarais responded, “I did learn the way; probably the best gas mileage I have ever had…it was just a wonderful trip by myself.”
Rummel moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting, Councilmember Laura Pankratz provided a second, motion passed.
Wiederrick moved to approve the agenda for the meeting, seconded by Pankratz, and the motion passed.
Rummel moved to approve the payment of claims as presented; Wiederrick moved to second and this motion passed.
PWD Truelove stated they had to install two additional gates in Trafton Park at the arena. “We had some damage on the south end, it happened on the road and the surrounding area…just kids doing what kids do, but it is pretty substantial. We took a blade down and we went over it. We thought it was best to put up a couple gates to prevent it from happening again.”
Truelove stated he had notified the sheriff to put it in the paper. Pankratz inquired if putting up cameras had been considered, with the feed also going directly to the sheriff’s office. That option is a possibility, wi-fi would be necessary. Pankratz said it seems this sort of activity happens because it is out of sight. Truelove agreed and added, “…and it is winter and it’s time to tear stuff up.” Rummel added that the race track has the same issues.
Truelove said that the plows would be out as necessary.
Pankratz inquired about the M Trails sign that was by the highway as to if anyone knew the whereabouts of it. Truelove stated that he did not know where it was; it was discussed that perhaps it was removed by Wickens Construction during the highway project. Truelove will check on it. Truelove stated he had “a sign” that he would offer to replace it.
City Clerk Lorie Bond had prepared folders for the council with the November financials, current shut off list and current check register.
Demarais provided input on behalf of Compliance Officer Wright and stated “one situation was hammered out and the other one will be taken care of.”
There were no reports on the Event Center. A fence will be put up around the duck pond when the construction time is done.
On the agenda was the swimming pool; Pankratz stated that they are selling bricks. The forms are on the pool site.
Under new business was City Councils Permission To Proceed With Grant Application on City Property. Present at the meeting, Sara Warren addressed the meeting on behalf of the Malta Trails, Inc.
Sara Warren spoke on behalf of the foundation and was joined by Julie McFadden. The grant that they are applying for is through the Fish, Parks & Wildlife. The maximum they can apply for is $100,000 and that comes with a 10% match. The first order of business for the proposal is having a trail maintenance contractor. That person would be six months employed for 40 hours a month. They require payment of $25 an hour….they have to have their own equipment so the hours per six months is up to $9,000-10,000. The individual would maintain all the parks in the city.
Second on the order of proceeding is improving the old Trafton Trail head into a better parking area. Considerations to be taken into the process is the gas lines coordination.
Warren provided ideas as gathered from other Trail projects and cities, and offered to write the necessary letters of support as needed. She admitted the project has been time consuming but is worth it.
Complete report from Warren is available on the online site through the city.
The next item on the agenda was in regard to Draw 4 on the SRF for the Trafton Project. Rummel moved to approve the Draw, second was provided by Wiederrick, motion carried.
Bond stated there is $100,000 left in the contingency fund; there was discussion on ways to spend the funds on a jetter. The one currently in use is 35 years older. No action was taken on the matter.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
December 20 Meeting
Members of the Malta City Council met in chambers for the final meeting of the 2024 year. Present were Mayor John Demarais, council members Laura Pankratz, David Rummel and Bonnie Wiederrick, and PWD Jim Truelove. Absent from the meeting was member Bill Hicks. A card was signed by the council members and office staff, which Demarais stated he would deliver to Hicks following the meeting.
Demarais said he attended a meeting of Bear Paw Corporation in Havre on Thursday; he will be testifying in Helena at a time during legislature on water tank issue.
First items of business were the motions and seconds to approve the minutes from the last meeting, the agenda for the meeting and the payment of claims.
PWD Truelove stated that his crew has been doing sanding and are ready in the event snow should arrive. In the meantime the crew is also working on projects in the city shop; they are repairing and refurbishing picnic tables and other project that they are able to get once the rush of summer is over.
He had visited with the engineer from Wickens as to the update of the work of Hwy 191 and was told they would be back in the early spring to complete some final touches on 9th Street South. They still plan to put a fence along Opportunity Drive.
Clerk Lorie Bond provided the information in councilmember packets. Since the shut off date is a Friday, any shutoffs will be completed on Monday since they don’t shut water off on Fridays.
She inquired of the council for her and Compliance Officer John Wright to attend a meeting on the flood zone; the meeting will be in February on the 25-28th. Wiederrick moved to allow Bond and Wright to attend, motion was seconded and passed upon roll call vote.
Demarais briefly addressed the work the Sheriff’s Office had done over the last week with the meth drug bust in Roy, Landusky and Malta, Montana. It is hopeful there will be less drugs available for sale soon.
It was reported that the Event Center is being used for several birthday parties during the next few weeks.
Pankratz updated the council on the fund raising for the city pool, the donations have reached $6,300 and they are pushing strongly and promoting the sale of bricks around the pool. Should any readers wish to purchase a brick in honor of a classmate, a veteran, relative, family or whatever they would like “set in stone” be sure to let someone know and the documents will be provided to you.
Under new business, the 2025 Fuel Purchase was discussed, Rummel moved and Wiederrick provided a second to award the bid for the year to Horizon Resources. Motion passed.
Just before the meeting closed, Demarais received a text message from Yavon Pekovitch and he relayed the message: she was so appreciative of the cleanliness of the City Hall and the weight room and appreciated the time and energy that Sally and John Wright put into the maintenance of the gym. The council appreciated knowing someone is appreciative enough to let the office know.
There being no further business, Wiederrick moved to adjourn, Pankratz seconded the motion. Motion passed.
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