One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, December 4

Greetings from white snow covered Whitewater, Montana.

Hope you are all well and had a Happy Thankgiving. I went to Paul and Leona Siewing. I had a delicious dinner and a wonderful time. Many thanks to them.

Now it is December!

Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversaries to all who are celebrating this month. This includes Sammy Wisher, Lulu Belle Besel and Sommer Green.

Congratulations to the Malta Mustangs on their championship win.

Also, congratulations to Sommer Green on winning the VFW essay contest. Good job

On Thanksgiving Day, many Whitewater folks traveled. The Olson families traveled to visit Tessa and her family.

Guests of Sally Austin were Joyce Donovan and Deven and Darby.

Dennis went to a roping event at a rodeo. Joyce and Dennis had been to Mexico.

Welcome to our guests from Denmark. They are the in-laws of Christina Neisand and family. Shes a cook at the North 40 Cafe.

Now is the time to start thinking about Christmas!

Helen A.


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