One Nation, Under God

Loring/Affinity News for Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Still one month til official winter, but this side of Montana has several inches of snow now. What about the Malta Mustangs? Class B state Champions! Very impressive! I listened on KMMR! Thanks to all the people behind the scenes who make this type of memory so perfect! Rita Frasure, a friend I met through the GPDM years ago, picked me up and we met up with a friend of hers Kathleen for dinner. Then we went to the Babcock theater for the movie, Dead Poet’s Society. I’d seen it before but a long time ago and it’s one of those classics that deserve more than one viewing. I’ve been able to visit Kathy Obie several times this past week. She is such a special soul!

We had a special day at Affinity called Random Act of Kindness Day! A couple of friends, John and Kathy, came over to my apartment and entertained me with Celtic violin music for over an hour! It was really cool, and I played the spoons! Another friend Marcia Webber from the second floor asked me to make a poster for the second floor because they are decorating for Christmas. So I did and she brought me a lovely almond puff pastry!

Debbie Richau and Carol Metzger came over for dinner on Friday. I made fish and roasted vegetables!

I wish everyone a lovely Thanksgiving!


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