One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, November 6, 2024

For November 6

Election Day is here. Get out and VOTE! I voted absentee ballot. We don’t have a voting place here in Whitewater.

It is November, Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversay to all those celebrating this month.

Get well wishes to Dallas Green and all who are sick.

Many attended the Big Flat Electric Annual Meeting. SommerGreen sang the National Athem.

I won a set of tools. Thank you to whoever donated them.

Several ranchers, including Sally Austin won beef bundles.

The Big Flat Electric does a great job.

There was a dart tourney at the North 40 in Whitewater.They also had an auction and dinner. The money raised goes towards scholarship for students.

The Whitewater Lutheran Church had a counsel meeting and Harvest Dinner.

“Hello” to the Julie Austin and family who are here visiting.

Justin Austin and son Archer came home to help ship calves for the family ranch.

Most ranchers in the area are shipping cattle.

Whitewater School had a Veterans Day concert and program. It featured a video of veterans of Whitewater. It had a picture of my dad Harry Austin in uniform when he was in WW!.

We had a nice rain, which was great.

Helen A.

For October 30

It is November2024, did you get out and vote on the Tuesday the 5th.

I voted Democrat. It will be nice to have the election over.

Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to those celebrating this month.

Did you turn your clocks back an hour. It is daylight savings time. I wish they would leave it one way or the other.

Our local 4-H club is active. When I went to school we were called the Busy Bees 4-H. Salute to the 4-H clubs. It’s National 4-H month.

Note: The North 40 has T-shirts in various sizes for sale for $25.00.

Hunting season is open now.

Today is a beautiful day here in Whitewater. Enjoy fall days.

Joyce Austin visisted Donovan in Whitewater last week.

Julie Austin was here visiting also. It was good to see them.

Congratulations to all who are participating in sports.

Helen A.


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