One Nation, Under God

Memories for Wednesday, November 6, 2024

10 yrs ago

Nov. 5, 2014

Bill Laird, at the Hi-Line Retirement Center, enjoyed the music of seven young piano players including his granddaughter, Kirsta Meisdalen. Entertainment was provided by Brylee French, Kaycee Bond, McKayla Foster, Sierra White, Lane Salveson and Addison Ulrich.

Annie Terwilliger celebrated her 90th birthday at a luncheon in her honor at the Hi-Line Retirement Center. Guests included her sisters Walda Hungerford and Alma Hickel.

Pictured in full swinger fashion, was Tony Boos, who was supporting the homecoming activities and participated in the sledge hammer demolition of a jalopy car. Cost for the opportunity was $3 for 30 seconds worth of pounding or $5 for an entire minute. Tony’s look appeared to say ‘I’ll get my 5 bucks worth’.

Eric Wilke, owner of RadioShack, was pleased with the new improvements made within the store. The upgrade included glass cases, new fixtures and carpet.

Ms. Cecelia “Tootsie” LaFond was selected as the Senior in the Spotlight. Among her favorites are dancing, Christmas, dogs, anything with Bob Hope in it, and mashed potatoes and gravy. In her working days she worked at restaurants.

Devon Raybon, a junior at Malta High School, was one of 900 who applied for, and one of the 300 selected for All-State Band in Missoula. He earned fourth chair in the trombone section.

Lorie Bond was sworn in as the Malta City Clerk and Treasurer.

In the Parade of Lights for the season, Hardware Hank won first place, second was First State Bank, and Valley Drug was selected as the third place winner. Mandy Herrera was the winner of the “Guess the Pumpkin Weight” contest, guessing 41.5 pounds, which was just below the actual weight of 42 pounds.At the Villa



Starring Channing Tatum, Diego Luna, Guillermo del Toro, Zoe Saldana & Kate del Castillo

25 yrs ago

Nov. 3, 1999

Auctioneer Cliff Rustad was honored with a special plaque at the 8th Annual Phillips County Health Care Fund-Raiser dinner and auction. The fund raiser began when Rustad proposed the idea to Ken Wiederrick after he suffered a heart attack. Rustad has volunteered his services at all eight fund-raisers.

A Malta resident, Jim Watkins, and the Phillips County Museum are in a tug-of-war with the Montana Historical Society over who owns a handgun once owned by some would describe as the infamous Dutch Henry, a local outlaw.

Sheila Simanton, one of the Malta School Board members, was one of six members of the Montana School Boards Association (MSBA) awarded the prestigious Marvin Heintz Award at the Montana Conference of Education Leadership in Bozeman.

Four generations gathered and were pictured in the local PCN. Jennah Stobie of Portland, Oregon, was surrounded by her mother, Rhonda Stobie, grandmother, Karen Kerchal, of Sun River, Montana, and her great-grandmother Jennie Carlson, of Malta.

A surging Dodson Lady Coyote team that picked up a two-point win over number two Nashua and defeated in-county rival Saco, has thrown the third spot in conference action into a three-way tie. Whitewater helped create the log jam on the plus side by defeating Frazer 58-50 and losing to Saco 46-34 to leave the Coyotes, Frazer and Penguins all with 7-5 marks.

Tom Sunford followed his Mustang blockers Luke Johnsen and Adam Johnson for a big gain in the game with Cascade. Sunford carried the ball 32 times for 200 yards in the victory game.

Alex Burnham, fourth grade student at Saco Elementary, is the student of the month. He was chosen for initiative, being a self-starter and a leader. Kaylee Weyrauch, an eighth grader, was chosen for trying hard, being conscientious in her work, being polite and having a positive attitude.

Tanner Anderson, of Whitewater, received a $2500 scholarship from the Haynes Foundation. He is majoring in computer science. Roxanne Petrie, of Malta, received an award of $1000; she is studying business management. Both are students at Rocky Mountain College in Billings.

The Malta M-ette basketball team had a for a taste of sweet revenge Saturday that eased the sting of an earlier overtime loss to the Havre Blue Ponies by defeating them 45-40 at home.

At the Villa



Starring Molly Shannon & Will Ferrell

50 yrs ago

Nov 7, 1974

Byron Hould entertained the Malta Women’s Club with two of his own compositions, “My Father” and “Huckleberry, My Dog,” accompanying himself on guitar. Aura Morales, an exchange student staying with the Pete Goodhearts, accompanied herself on guitar and sang “Guantanamera” and “Cotton Fields.”

Eleven members were inducted into the Malta High School chapter of the National Honor Society. New members are: Doug Paulson, Marilyn Golik, Anne Lang, Dawn Goodheart, Sandra Watts, Cheryl Young, Arlene Green, Patti Oxarart, Linda Haugen, Gary Knudsen and Morgan Kelly.

The WWI Barracks is planning an observance for Veterans Day next Monday. The high point of the day will be the dedication of the WWI memorial monument in the Malta City Park at 1:30.

If there was apathy about the general election in other sections of the nation, it was not apparent in Phillips County, as almost 89% of the voters turned out to cast their ballots. The actual figure for the county was 79.82%; the Kill Woman precinct in south Malta country had 95.45%, or 42 of the 45 registered persons voting. Whitewater had 94.34% votes cast.

On a close race for county commissioner, Ralph Patrick unseated Lester Wilke. Don Cole, republican, had a decisive victory over democratic incumbent Willis McKeon. Pete Messerly was another decisive winner over Ralph Young, a write-in, and Newt J. Cummings.

The Malta Speech and Drama team placed second in sweepstakes competition at a junior varsity competition in Kremlin and Gilford. The team of Jan Jacobson and Roger Bruckner placed second in debate, Shirley Miller and Thea Kelly placed sixth.

Mr. and Mrs. Rick Tuttle are the proud parents of a new baby girl, she was named Karrie Richelle.

Boys and girls competed together in extemporaneous speaking; Vince Dancer was third, LouAnn Stuff, fourth; Jim Nelson, fifth; Holly Olson, sixth, and Darryll Broadbrooks, ninth. Roxann Jacobson placed third in original oratory.

In impromptu, Bernell Anderson was second; Ludell Orahood, fifth, and Joan Losleben, sixth.

Dee Cowan placed fourth in memorized public address; Ann Marie Golik was fifth and Jim Martin was sixth.

Denise Patton was third in expository and Becky Vetter was sixth. Oral interpretation, Loy Grant, third; Bernie Malin, fifth, and Beth Ophus and B.J. Doll, tie for ninth.

In drama competition, Janas Wilson and Willie Hammar placed second in humorous duo acting, Neill Gilbertson and Sandy Watts were third and Scott Reynolds and Randy Shores were fifth. Susan Lucas placed seventh in pantomime and Adrienne Hitch was ninth.

John Schwartz of Malta has been promoted to airman in the U.S. Air Force. The son of Inglef Schwartz, he is assigned to Mountain Home AFB in Idaho as a munitions maintenance specialist. He is a member of the Tactical Air Command.

Tom Moran, guidance counselor at Malta High School was elected president of the northeastern district of the Montana Education Association in Sidney, October 24-25.

At the Villa



Starring Helen Harmon, Julie Gholson, Jan Smithers,

Harry Dean Stanton & Helen Bragdon



Starring Morgan Paull, Pat Anderson, Katie Saylor,

Liv Lindeland & Kitty Carl

75 yrs ago

Nov. 7, 1949

Vic and Jerry Nordlund and Fred Thackeray were local nimrods bagging venison from the Missouri breaks last week. Vic also reported getting rattlesnakes (real ones) in the breaks notwithstanding considerable snow in the area. Over 251 deer were checked in at the Matador-Zortman checking station and according to Vic, this does not include an approximate number going south, making a total of about 400 deer taken out of that area. This about rivals some of the famous state hunting spots such as Augusta, Neihart, or even the big ledges in Glacier Park.

This Thursday the Dodson high school team journeys to Nashua accompanied by Coach Munson and Vic Nordlund, who will furnish the transportation. This game will decide the winner of the sub-district in football and Dodson will show their best form with the championship.

At the Villa



Starring Spencer Tracy & Deborah Kerr

100 yrs ago

John Hullinger, a Strater farmer, brought in a freak radish weighing 13 pounds. The monstrosity was on display at the commercial club rooms.

A letter from Walter Risen who was at Long Beach, Calif., said he like the country okay but found too many LaFollette boosters there. Said he had attended a LaFollette rally recently (the Wisconsin prophet was running for President), at which 3,000 people were on hand. Walter said he told a LaFollette leader that he, Risen, was an American, not a Bolshevik, “and the man wanted to lick me.”

118 yrs ago

The local pages of the Enterprise contained nary an item of local news-the entire editorial output was devoted to the coming election and virtues of the republican ticket. On the ticket were Charles Pray for Congress; John Kerr for district judge; W. H. Garland for sheriff; William Wofford for treasurer, W.B. Shoemaker for clerk and recorder; John Slattery for county attorney; James Fox for assessor Faye Otis for county superintendent of schools; William Mann for surveyor; R.W. Getty for coroner; James Harrah for public administrator; Andrew Davidson, William McBride, and R.L. Cornwell for county commissioners; Adam Ritchie and George Chambers, Sr., for justice of the peace and Nels Johnson and Julius Kynast for constables. There must have been a democratic ticket but it wasn’t mentioned. J.L. Truscott, candidate for state senator, was the only name and that in rather derogatory fashion.


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