One Nation, Under God

A New Chapter, A New Life; Reed Is New Pastor at Little White Church

Far across the blue waters to a stint in Texas, Pr. Virgil Reed made his way to Montana in June to become the new pastor at the Little White Church in Malta. After a year in Texas, Reed and his wife, Emily, have moved in and are making Malta their new home.

Reed spent most of his life in western Pennsylvania. In his earlier years he spent ten years in special education and related services and then some time working for the federal government. Before leaving the "Chocolate State" he also worked as a professional brew master, which he said is a job he really enjoyed.

There is a bit of adjustment to be made, coming from the fifth most populated state to Montana. The Reeds come from the state that is the birthplace of The Big Mac as well.

"I really loved working in the craft beer industry," said Reed. "I had been a home brewer for several years and a friend of mine stumbled upon a little brew pub in eastern Ohio that was looking for a brewer. He called me, I called them, and that is the short version."

Asked what called him to the ministry, he responded "God Almighty, honestly. I really enjoyed working in craft beer, I loved it, I was pretty good at it, but I just couldn't get my feet under me in the industry. It was like throwing one wrench into the works after another and after another."

Reed said, "I can remember one day Emily saying to me, 'I don't think God wants you here, and I said, what do you mean? This is the only thing I've been good at."

"Needless to say, that career ended."

He continued, "I hit my knees and I looked up and said, okay, God...I am listening. Now what?"

He said they had moved to Pennsylvania to Houston for Emily's job, as an occupational therapist assistant.

"Unfortunately, things did not go well for us in Houston so we really started to pray and seek discernment and guidance from the Lord, and just said, 'Look, God...whatever you would have us to do that is what we want to do. We want to obey you, we want to do your will."

Reed said it was then they broadened their job search. Emily pretty well had her heart set on living near the beach - we love the beach, we love to golf."

So, they wind up in Montana amid the plains and the nearest beach is...well...some distance away. He said, "I feel I am adaptable. Em is getting there! She is stronger than she thinks she is."

The postal service and the internet loved him, he put out resumes from Miami, Florida, to Vancouver, Washington.

"It was Easter Sunday, I was sitting on my back patio with my dogs. I was tired of filling out job applications. I was tired of going on interviews. I was tired of sending out resumes."

At this time he wasn't working, he was just kicking back and said a little prayer. He said he was relaxing and he felt a little push to open my phone and look at one more job search, and he did.

"The Little White Church? Well, that's fun. Montana? Really?"

"So I emailed my resume and two days later I got a phone call."

He said, "I did a phone interview with one of the Deacons from the church on Tuesday evening, I had an interview with the search committee on Friday and a couple weeks later I came up for a visit, met the congregation, preached a sermon, they voted and here we are!" Reed received his theological training through the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

The Reed family in Malta includes Pastor and Emily and two dogs. They have three children in Pennsylvania, a grown son, Noah, who is 25, and a daughter, Norah, 23. Their daughter, Sarah, came to Montana originally, but decided to return to Pennsylvania. She is a junior in high school.

Outside of work, the Reed's enjoy art, music, and anything outdoors. Emily commutes to Chinook for her part-time job. Reed spends his time walking the dogs and reading.

The Little White Church is stable in membership and looking for growth in the youth group ages. The Reed's are excited with the new adventure and chapter of their life.

Stop by to visit and show Pastor and Emily the hospitality that Malta is known for. The doors of the Little White Church are always open for attending services, as well.


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