One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Smokey the Bear says, “Beware of all Fires”!!! There has been lots of smoke from fires in Montana and Canada.

“Hello,” and hope you are better to Jeff Murdock, who is visiting Mom Pat Murdock. Jeff is a missionary in the Peace Corps in South America. He was raised in Whitewater and will return home.

Whitewater Baptist Church had Pastor Moore from Georgia, preaching last week. His wife and sons accompanied him.

Congratulations to McKenna Leveque and Cade Murdock on their wedding. She is a vet at Milk River Vet Whitewater Clinic.

Schools are in full swing across the county. Volleyball and football have started also. Good luck to all the participants.

Here’s a recipe for cool refreshing fruit smoothies.


1 cup of yogurt

1 cup of strawberries

1 cup of blueberries.

Combine ingredients in a blender, refrigerate, and enjoy.

Happy Labor Day weekend.


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