One Nation, Under God

BirdinGround Wins Fair Indian Relay

Temps reached over 100 degrees during the Phillips County Fair Indian Relay and Chariot Races, but that didn't stop the event from filling the stands last Friday, August 2, in Dodson.

The event, organized by the Northeast Corner Committee, was ultimately won by BirdinGround Relay Team from the Crow reservation.

The PCN caught up with rider Tristan BirdinGround, who had been riding in relays since he was 15 years old. He has competed at the PC Fair with River Road in past years, and was second place with his team BirdinGround last year, the first year that the team competed at the fair.

"I've always been around horses since I was a little kid," BirdinGround said. "I just got used to riding and my riding skills have improved since I got older."

He explained what it was like out on the course as a rider.

"Well, you'll get nervous before the race, everyone does," BirdinGround said. "So then, you just gotta keep your cool and not let the nervous get to you or you will mess up. The most important thing is that your horses have to be steadying for you because you depend on those horses. If they are moving around when you come in, you can't get a good exchange."

He said that you have to train the horses all year for the exchanges.

Last season, BirdinGround was edged out by Mountain River Relay, a hometown favorite, in a photo finish.

"I was about to pass the guy up, but then he beat me by a nose," BirdinGround said. "We came back stronger and got it done."

This year, BirdinGround earned redemption as the team crossed the line in a decisive victory. Mountain Crow took second, River Road took third, Mountain River was fourth. Beegup was fifth, and Starr School was sixth.

Tristan's teammates include his uncle Travis BirdinGround (catcher), his father Tim BirdinGround (setup), and Darren C (backload). The team normally has his brother Weston as a backload, but he was unavailable. Weston currently rides and competed at Pine Ridge INFR.

"It was a packed crowd," Tristan said of the PC Fair. "I could hear them screaming around when I was racing. It sounded cool."

The Women's Championship Race was won by Timentwa. Young Money was second, Blue Blossom was third, Old Sun was fourth, and Saddle Butte Sisters was fifth.

Big Metal was the Men's Consolation Champion. Holds the Enemy was second, Charges Strong was third, Medicine Tail was fourth, and Red Bone was fifth.

The Ed Moore Sr. Chariot Race was won by Dodson's Pat Ditmar. Andrew Cole was second, and Bill Main was third.

The win was Ditmar's first at the PC Fair since he began competing.

"Feels good," Ditmar said. "I've been trying to win here for five years. It's my first time winning in five years, so yeah, it's good."

He was asked what the difference was in this year's race.

"I bought bigger and faster horses," Ditmar said. "They are also in shape. I got them in shape."

He was asked what racing a chariot at the fair is like.

"It's scary," Pat said. "Fast. All I look at are the horses ears. That's all I look at."

The win holds a little more meaning for Ditmar who was able to share the moment with his son Emmitt Lonebear, who won the Kids Chariot/Cart Race and Kids Relay Race.

"We practiced all summer for this," Ditmar said. "Practice is where it's at."

Ditmar also worked hard all summer to prepare the fairgrounds

"I just like to see the people happy," Ditmar said. "Its a place where people like to visit, mingle, have fun, and enjoy the end of the summer break."

Lonebear has seen plenty of success at the Phillips County Fair as the Kid's Chariot events lone champion since the event started in 2022.

"It feels great," Lonebear said. "I am just going after my dad and Bill (Main, who won in 2023.)."

Lonebear was asked what it was like seeing his father win the Men's Chariot Race.

"It was pretty nice," Lonebear said. "I am proud. He went pretty quick. After five years, he won. I am very happy for him."

He was asked for some advice on chariot riding.

"Stay on the chariot," he said. "If it isn't stopping, just stay in the cage."

LoneBear was also the rider in Wacasta Wakpa, who won the Kids Relay Race. Mini Carlson Relay was second and Mini Money was third.

Lonebear was helped by Wacasta Wakpa teammates Delshay Baker, Kash Cole, and Calvin Fortin.

"They did good," LoneBear said. "They cheered for me and supported me out there."

Chazz Racine of Carlson Relay won the Gordon Ball Memorial Warrior Race. Young Money's Desmond Archilta took second place, Kayden Howe of Awa Daa Hey was third, and Koy LaForge of Charges Strong was fourth.

The Maiden's Race was won by Autumn Charges Strong, second went to Jaz Wells, and Talliyah Timentwa was third.


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