One Nation, Under God

City Council Talks Sewer Rates

On Tuesday, July 23, the Malta City Council met for their bi-monthly meeting in the Chambers of the City Hall. Present for the meeting were Mayor John Demarais, Councilmembers David Rummel, Bonnie Wiederrick, Bill Hicks, and Laura Pankratz; Tessa Handley, Marilyn Taylor, and PWD Jim Truelove were also in attendance.

Following the pledge to the flag, Mayor Demarais asked for public input. Tessa Handley addressed the group and over half an hour was spent discussing the pool, the pending closure and options available. The group that is attempting to save the pool have to get along and prepare for a long slow process.

Hicks made a motion to accept minutes from the last meeting, seconded by Pankratz, motion passed. Rummel made a motion seconded by Wiederrick to approve the agenda for the meeting, motion passed. Wiederrick made a motion to approve the audit, seconded by Pankratz, and this motion carried as well.

PWD Jim Truelove reported he is getting down on his supply of patch material. There is about two barrels of weed spray left.

At the Event Center, a tree had to come out, the wood is there if anyone is interested in it.

A construction company hit two of the sewer lines at 12th St. East, both are repaired.

The green tanker is at the Robinson Well House, which has been down. Work will start on them next week. A brush and tool were stolen which delayed work.

There had been an inspection by the Department of Labor. The City was cited for minor items.

Truelove was instructed to check the static now and again in a month. So far there haven’t been any draw-downs, however it needs to be checked.

Clerk Lorie Bond stated she had included a letter in each of the council members packet, a copy of the letter from Courtney Ellis, with the firm of Dorsey, which is the company that provides bonds for the city. They set August 13th as the date for the adoption of a resolution of intention to increase sewer rates. Following that, the Council meeting on September 10th will include a public hearing on a proposed rate increase, and the adoption of a resolution approving the increase, as well as adopting a bond resolution. This is an open meeting.

Bond stated she has been working on the budget, a work meeting was set for Friday, August 10 at noon.

Discussion was held on water usage and restriction; it was agreed that consumers have been diligent and careful with water use and waste has been to a minimum.

Under new business there was a Resolution before the Council: Resolution 1357 - Affirming active participation in the Bear Paw Economic Development District. Rummel moved, with a second by Wiederrick to adopt the Resolution; motion passed.

Resolution 1358 - 2024/25 wages for employees and elected officials was on the agenda next. As per an email from the City Clerk’s office, this would include anyone elected to their positions, including the Mayor, Council and City Judge; the increase would be $1 an hour. Wiederrick made a motion, followed by a second from Pankratz; motion passed.

The final item on the agenda for new business was #3 regarding Great West Engineering - Task Order No. 9 - Assist with preparation and submittal of CDBG construction grant application for proposed water system improvements identified in the City of Malta Water System Preliminary Engineering Report - not to exceed $14,000. Hicks made a motion to approve the item, seconded by Rummel, motion passed.

The next meeting of the Council will be Tuesday, August 13th at 5 p.m.


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