One Nation, Under God

Phillips County Fair Primed and Ready: Horse Show this Saturday!

It’s time to put up the big tents, set up the bright lights and bring on the entertainment ~ it’s time for the Phillips County Fair!

Various aspects of the Fair actually begin at 9 a.m. on Saturday, July 27 at the Malta Pavilion with the horse show. On Monday at 2:30 p.m., the Small Animal Judging - Cat, Dog, Rabbit and Poultry will be held, also at the pavilion. The public is welcome to come watch these showings.

When the animals are all weighed in and quieted down, the swine judging will commence on Thursday at 4 p.m. New this year is a second weigh-in scale for swine, sheep and goats.

Friday will be a busy day for the 4-H kids, parents and family members. Judging will start with Beef Showmanship at 8 a.m., followed by Market Beef and Breeding Beef. At 1 p.m, Sheep Showmanship, Market and Breeding, Goat Showmanship, Market and Breeding Goat. This category may not take as long as previous years, as there is only one sheep entered in this year’s Fair.

At 2 p.m. the Round Robin Showmanship will begin, followed by the 4-H Trophy Presentation.

As far as events at the grandstand, Carly Bishop, on behalf of the Phillips County Fair Board shared, “We are beginning the weekend with the Indian Relay’s, put on by the Northeast Corner Committee.”

The Indian Relays have been gaining popularity over the past few years and have some fast-paced and entertaining performances. The relay and chariot races begin at 11 a.m., and will hit the track again at 3 p.m. There will be entertainment in the evening with Tanner Laws back to share his talent with the fair-goers.

On Saturday, August 3 at nine a.m. the 4-H and FFA Livestock sale will be held. If you are interested in excellent quality Montana beef, hog or sheep, be sure to come support the kids. If you can’t use a full animal, check with a neighbor to discuss going in together on one.

Entertainment for the big event will be Randall King on Saturday night. Opening acts for the night include Tanner Laws, who has previously entertained the locals several times; he opens the evening up with his guitar and voice at 6 p.m. Braxton Keith will follow at 7 p.m. King is set to please the audience at 8:30. All three entertainers bring a refreshing and youthful night that is easy to not only listen to, they provide great dancing music, as well.

Sunday’s action will be back on the race track again with the AMX Races set to begin at 12 noon. Luke Brown is heading up the races this year and stated they are anticipating 20 cars; he stated there are several other competitions going on this weekend and that many of the racers on the eastern side of the state will be selecting races closer to home.

Bishop said, “The Fun Zone Carnival is back again this year with an additional ride. This is the same carnival we have had for the past few years, they are based in Great Falls.  They are relatively new to the industry and building their inventory, so it’s nice to see it grow year after year.”

The carnival tickets can only be purchased at the fair office. The carnival will start on Thursday from 4-9 p.m. They will continue to operate beginning at noon on both Friday and Saturday, until 9 p.m. The final day of the Fair, they will operate from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m.

Yes, the count down has begun…the days are down to eight…and the 109th Phillips County Fair will swing the gates open and the memories will begin.

Bishop added, “You’ll notice some improvements to the buildings this year, with a few new roofs and as always, a new paint job here and there.  Next year will be the big reveal, with the new grandstands.”

“It looks like its going to be a hot one this year.  Without cover on the grandstands we recommend people come prepared with umbrellas and feel free to bring your own chairs so you can find a shady spot!”

There wouldn’t be a fair without the “traditional” 4-H booth serving a good variety of foods; they also cook the complimentary breakfasts each morning. You can wet your whistle and quench your thirst at the FFA lemonade stand. The smell of burgers and fried onions coming from the Boy Scout Booth will be one of the temptations and great places to eat and visit. No fair is complete without these taste bud-tempting great creations coming from the various food vendors, including some other local vendors that would appreciate your support, as well.

Fair board member, Eric Wilke, provided an update, “There will be about eight food vendors available; the Beer Garden will be operated by The Mint Bar.” Most of the camping space has been rented out.

There are a few changes in the 4-H program, this is the second year registration was completed online. Open class entries are processed (in keeping up with the times) in a new manner in that the exhibitor will bring a copy of the Premium Book with items they plan to enter marked and will be turned into the office when they check in.

Christina Murphy, Phillips County Extension Agent and 4-H Program coordinator said, “This year is looking great! Thanks to the parents who help out so much.”

Murphy said there is a raffle taking place, with tickets available until they are sold, for several prizes one might be interested in. There will be an “Event Tent” over the pig show ring and this is what the raffle money will be going towards. By purchasing a ticket, one can win one of three prizes: a LA Smoker, a 25-06 Savage Rifle or a 22 Savage Rifle. This is a great way to support 4-H youth. Only 200 tickets are available. They are available at the 4-H office, Westside, Hardware Hank and Ezzie’s as well as local supporters Roy Wyse, Delsi Witmer and Jesse Bensen.

The lineup of animals for sale this year has changed somewhat over the years. This year one market lamb will be for sale. There are about 38 market beef coming, and 55 hogs will be available. This year there will also be three market goats for sale.

Ah…if it were only that easy and stress free! Anyone who has ever had kids in 4-H, FFA, or Boy Scouts know, as well as parents who have kids who love to bake or doddle with crafts, that it takes time.

Think back to the hours that go into preparing for the Fair, which usually starts about a week after all those “memorable” 4-H books were due. Close ‘em up and grab a new set of record sheets and begin preparing for another year. Find that “one” fat beef that will look sharp come July next fall and start working with it.

And they do because they love it. Plain and simple.

Let’s not forget the mom who is being tugged at from one side to help make chocolate chip cookies, while wee one with a paint brush, clay and rocks in her hand, is wanting help getting glue open. To many, those creatures that were created were a waste of time, and merely take up space in the Open Class building display.

To an educator, they are a mini Picasso and an inspiration.

And if you haven’t done so before, take time to wander through the Education building. On display will be the creations, artwork and writings of students through the eighth grade. Patient teachers have spent time to display some of the finest work of their students. There have been some impressive entries over the years.

Now the memories of “The Longest Continuous Running County Fair in Montana” are about to become entries in the Book of Time.

Over the century there have been many changes at the Fair. The dates have changed from two day to the now four day, and the weekend it occurs has changed from year to year. Now it is set so that the date includes the end of July into August.

Glancing back over the archives it is interesting to see the changes in the fat beef entries. Yes, first of all…yours truly can never “glance” over the archives…it takes time!

The blood lines have come a long way in genetic advancement and fine tuning crossbreeding to the point where it is now. The appearance and presentation of the stock has advanced as well. Now, the animals have as much time spent on them as two teenagers heading out on a date come Saturday night.

Don’t forget to pack your mosquito spray along with your water jug. Stay hydrated. The ambulance crew is short-handed and by taking care and precaution, it will be another smooth fair.


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