One Nation, Under God
Dear Editor,
I’ve seen some political ads lately that have raised some questions on my mind. The ads are for Jon Tester. The one I’m thinking of, in particular, shows several individuals who claim to be veterans saying how Tester has worked for veterans, and they will vote for him for that reason.
Question 1: Who are these people? What are their last names? Where do they live? When and where did they serve? If they did, thanks to them. But if I were asked to endorse someone for senator, I’d make sure everyone could find out who I was and why my opinion mattered.
Question 2: Are these ads actually effective? If they are, we definitely need voting tests to stop dunces from voting. Would it be possible to ban political ads from TV and radio? Do away with repetitive drivel selling politicians like sausage, “My senator has a first name, it’s ______.” Are you humming along?
This ad sums up why the country has become such a mess over the last sixty years.
Gary Hawkins, BS, PhD
Dodson, Mont.
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