One Nation, Under God
There was an earthquake in Seeley Lake, Montana. Pray no one was hurt.
Sympathy to the family of Cora Maxie. Mike and Debbie Hammond and the LaBrie’s of Whitewater were all part of her family.
Whitewater Baptist Church had a very busy week They had vacation bible school and a church revival in the evenings. They had about 20 people from South Carolina here.
Whitewater Lutheran Church combines with the Malta Lutheran Church for vacation bible camp at Glacier Park. Call Malta Lutheran Church or Pastor Bob Nagy for more information.
Today, July 9, I called my daughter Teresa to wish her a Happy Birthday. She reported it was very hot in Swift Current.
Also, Happy Birthday, July 22, to Gale. Happy Birthday to anyone celebrating in July.
The Senior Meals at the North 40 Cafe are on Wednesday. The cost is now $7.00. All are welcome at our meal.
Grocery prices have gone up everywhere.
Recently on the road to Malta, we saw beautiful clover meadows. Sally Austin said that clovers grow like that every seven years because of the rain.
Helen A.
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