One Nation, Under God

Vote to Uphold Montana's Constitution

Dear Editor,

District Court Judge Katherine Bidegaray is the right choice to be the next justice on the Montana Supreme Court. Having worked as her law clerk for four years and appeared in front of her this past year, I have seen her be impartial, fair, and respectful to each party in every case she has. She was born and raised on a Richland County farm and ranch, and she knows the importance of preparation, hard work, and self-discipline. Judge Bidegaray cares deeply about the state of Montana, the rule of law and fundamental fairness, and the independence of the Montana judiciary for serving all people. She always takes her work seriously. I have seen Judge Bidegaray always do her best to uphold, respect, and apply fairly the 1972 Montana Constitution. She has also positively influenced countless students by teaching them about how the Montana Constitution, Montana Code Annotated, and the judicial process work. She supports education and imparting to students the importance of civic participation, which helps young people grow into more informed citizens. Judge Bidegaray has tremendous experience as a judge and as a lawyer, including being asked to sit in for a Montana Supreme Court Justice. She has the respect of many people in the Montana legal community, and I have seen her willingness to help others out, including taking cases from other judges from as far away as Dillon, establishing and overseeing drug treatment and DUI treatment courts, and always doing her best to not waste jurors’ time in jury trials. She will be a tremendous asset to the Montana Supreme Court by bringing her knowledge, experience, and work ethic to the Court. Please join me in voting for Judge Katherine Bidegaray to be the next justice on the Montana Supreme Court in November.


Dan Eakin,

Sidney, Mont.


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