One Nation, Under God

Loring/Affinity News for Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Happy Independence Day! I’m so grateful for our country and the freedoms that we have! Honors go to all the service people who helped our country stay free!

Last week, Carol Lumsden attended a memorial service for a classmate, Kip Young. Many of his classmates attended from all over the country. A friend from Affinity, Marcia Webber, brought me greetings from Carol.

Keepers of the Faith, a gospel group from Washington, sang at the Whitewater Lutheran Church on Sunday!

Cindy Clark and Carol Lumsden drove over to enjoy the service. They then picked up Lu Besel and took a road trip to Fort Peck to attend the play Joseph’s Amazing Technicolored Dreamcoat! Cindy’s granddaughters were performers in the play! It was fantastic!

Lu Besel and Cindy Clark attended the funeral of Clarice Stahl on Saturday at Saco! Clarice was a stalwart in the Saco community! Sympathy to the family from the Loring community!

At Affinity, we had a Ticket 2 Paradise luau! Everyone wore their Hawaiian garb and had specialty cocktails with hors d’oeuvres to enjoy! Theme music was played the whole time. I didn’t hear any complaints...just oblations! Aloha!

The bunnies are so tiny here. But I know they’ll get bigger and eat my flowers! The goldfinches are such a heartwarming sight on my sunflowers! I saw the moon last night. It’s about a half-moon. A big fire on the rims was brought under control after two days. It was close to where Danni Hill lives.

Be safe!


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