One Nation, Under God

City Council Holds Meeting

On Tuesday, June 25, the Malta City Council met and opened with the pledge to the flag. All four council members were present, as were Mayor John Demarais and PWD Jim Truelove. Also attending were Sasha Lulloff and Becca Spencer. Attending from Bear Paw Development in Havre were Paul Tuss and Emilee Luke. Kayla Warren joined the meeting later.

The Mayor opened the meeting with time for public comment. Sasha Lulloff addressed the meeting; her comments were about the swimming pool time. With the late opening date, she was inquiring as to keeping the pool open longer, stating in previous years the pool stayed open through the start of school, allowing the P.E. classes to utilize the pool. She stated that with no school on Fridays now and the Boys and Girls Club not open on Fridays, possibly being open would allow the kids something to do. She also inquired about the possibility of parents being able to rent the facility for the day for private parties.

Becca Spencer was also present and reiterated Lulloff’s statement as to the pool and staying open longer. She also said the City has some “amazing lifeguards!”

Mayor Demarais stated that lifeguards tend to head out once summer is over and head to college or other things. The council would take it under consideration; it has to be put on the agenda to allow individuals time to appear and state their opposition or support of the idea. The Council will vote on it at the next meeting.

Spencer also inquired of the City as to ownership of the sidewalks and the curbs. The response was that they

Mayor Demarais stated that as of July 1st the meetings will be recorded, and the audio will be online on the City website.

Councilperson David Rummel made a motion, and it was seconded by Councilperson Bonnie Wiederrick to approve the minutes of the last meeting, the motion was carried. Councilperson Bill Hicks made a motion, followed by a second by Councilperson Laura Pankratz, to approve the agenda for the meeting, and the motion passed. Hicks and Pankratz moved and seconded to pay the claims; the motion passed.

Demarais read Ordinance 458 regarding vaccination requirements.

PWD Jim Truelove opened his report with, “Kari…. I owe you by the way!” His comment was not supported by the Council, as their remarks were in support of the picture of Truelove in last week’s PCN; their comments were “I thought it was a good picture (Rummel) and “I did, too” by Pankratz. Anyone attending the Council meetings takes a chance on being featured in the paper. In some cases, perhaps this is one, it sells more papers!

Truelove stated the City Pool is open. The City crew worked on a leak in Veteran’s Park last week. There are a couple of sprinkler boxes dialed in and they have somebody other than in-house working on the matter.

Reports as to the weekend events were positive.

The blade is out and about getting the alleys taken care of. Truelove stated that the sweeper has not been out - the parts just came in. Some side brooms and shoe runners are needed for it.

The compacter is making its way back to Malta.

There are several digs on the horizon.

Demarais inquired as to getting the sides of the M Trail with weed killer.

Demarais inquired of Truelove if the State was going to fix the potholes on Central; Demarais stated he’s received numerous calls from one individual on a regular basis and Truelove stated to direct her to the State Project Manager.

Clerk Lorie Bond stated there were 70 patrons at the pool yesterday!

She also said the dance room floor has a new finish on it, and the gym floor received a new finish on Tuesday; it takes seven days to cure.

There were no reports from any of the City Departments.

The next agenda item was the reading of Ordinance 453 regarding changing the wording.

A street closure application for July 7th was reviewed; the occasion is the merchant’s “Crazy Days Celebration*.” Wiederrick made a motion, seconded by Rummel, to approve the closure and the motion passed. (*there may be changes in Crazy Days, check with merchants, confirmation not received at print time).

Item 3 on the agenda was the Trafton Force Main Project; a motion was made by Rummel, seconded by Wiederrick and carried. Great West Engineering is heading up the project.

The Manganese Treatment Project was item 4 on the agenda; there are issues with the manganese presence in the local water. As stated by Matt Mudd, “It’s bad.” The funding is available for communities in the amount of $3.4M and Malta will apply to be part of the project to determine if the water is such that it qualifies for the project. A motion was made by Pankratz, seconded by Wiederrick to sign up to be a sample group, stating, “I like it, and “I hope it works.” All council members voted in favor of the application.

Paul Tuss and Emilee Luke, from Bear Paw Development in Havre, explained their role in promoting their services. They work with cities and towns to secure grants for projects. Malta has several projects that are pressing and are hoping to utilize grant sources for the funding and payment of projects. Tuss and Luke took questions and provided information and options.

Kayla Warren, president of the Future Foundation addressed the meeting and inquired as to assistance with the pool and plans for using the present funds. She also addressed possible grant sources with Tuss with the 4-H needs.

The next council meeting will be Tuesday, July 9th at 5 p.m. Residents are encouraged to contact the city office at 406-654-1251 if they have questions or would like to be on the agenda.


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