One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, June 27, 2024

Sympathy to Whitewater’s Heidi Cummings family on the recent loss of her mother.

Congratulations to Charlene Wasson who was “Teacher of the Week” for Whitewater School. She has been in the school for 20 years. Good job, Charlene!

Glad you are better, Bonnie McMullen. She has been in Billings recently.

Happy Birthday to all June birthdays, especially to my sister, Janet Brown, now of Billings, Montana. I attended her birthday party on June 7. Her four children, all came. Janet was raised in Whitewater. Many of Janet’s nieces and nephews also came, some from other towns. It was a very nice party. Hope you have many more birthdays, Janet.

I spent the night with her in Aspen View down in Billings. It was a nice visit. The next night I stayed with my family and friends, Leona, Paul, Jon and Seth Siewing. My cousin Darla was also there. Thanks to all.

On June 8, I went to the funeral for Barbara Dunbar. Again, sympathy to Pat Dunbar and family. Barbara was a nurse and she will be missed.

We have had lots of rain. Guy Simanton said their crops look good. Most crops are looking good in the Whitewater area.

Just a friendly reminder that the Milk River Gospel Jamboree singers will sing at Whitewater Lutheran Church on Sunday, June 30. All are welcome, and it’s FREE!

Enjoy the beautiful summer weather.

Helen A.


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