One Nation, Under God

Community Need Exceeds Available Funds

Four Community Projects Receive Grants

Over $30,000 in grant requests to the Phillips County Community Foundation (PCCF) were received for projects impacting Malta, Saco, Dodson and Zortman. The review committee was overwhelmed with the quality of projects and the financial need to complete them.

PCCF thanks everyone for their submittal and is pleased to announce the following awards:

-Phillips County 4H - $2000 to assist with their project to rebuild the overhang at their fair cookshack and transition to a metal structure which will require less maintenance and continue to provide a gathering place for all during the county fair. The total cost of this project is $11,000 to $14,000.

-Malta Senior Citizen Center - $1500 to assist in upgrading overhead lighting at the center to LED. This project will help save on utility costs and improve the general lighting in the center for activities and events. The total cost of this project is $3500.

-Phillips County Ambulance Service - $2836 to help them purchase more modern and appropriate equipment to better serve patients. Their application included the purchase of a Ferno Pedi-Mate Plus Restraint Systems project will make it safer for volunteers to transfer pediatric patients from an accident scene, a new Nitrous Oxide Unit that will allow them to help patients maintain pain while on the scene or during transport and mandated channel updates to their communication system. The award gives the Ambulance Service the option to prioritize funds towards their immediate needs. The total cost for the three identified needs is $7273.

-Zortman Volunteer Fire Department - $2,000 to assist with renovations to the former Zortman School which will now serve as a Community Center/Storm Shelter and Training Center. The total estimated cost for renovations and new equipment is $17,500 with the community providing many volunteer hours.

The estimated total project costs combined for the 10 applicants this year is over $68,000. This validates the ongoing need for additional resources in our community. As an affiliate of the Montana Community Foundation, since 2010, PCCF has granted over $41,000 in community grant awards to local projects from earnings paid annually from their endowment. In 2024, PCCF has been challenged to raise $7500 for their endowment and if they meet that goal, will receive an additional $5000 from the Montana Community Foundation that can be granted locally.

To make a charitable donation to the endowment, please visit or send to PO Box 275, Malta, Montana 59538. For more information, contact board or active core group members: Anne Boothe, Cheri Doll, Terry Scones, Diedre Murray, Martin Townsend, Cindy Christman, Jodee Lee, Julie Snellman, RJ Tollefson, Dina Meneely, David Crasco.


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