One Nation, Under God

School Calendars for the Week of May 8, 2024

Malta School Calendar

May 8: Band/Choir Spring Concert

May 9: MAC Awards Banquet

May 10: JH TR Dist. @ Glasgow

May 11: HS TR Dist. @ Wolf Point

MS Band @ Williston Band Day

May 13-14: State Golf @ Shelby

May 13: FFA Banquet

Class C Calendar


May 10: JH TR Dist. @ Glasgow

May 11: HS TR Dist. @ WP

May 13: Senior Trip

Kindergarten Round Up


May 8: Co2 Cars in Gym

Mav. Co-op Mtg @ Hinsdale

May 9: Opportunity Bank BBQ @ Hinsdale

May 10: JH TR Dist. @ Glasgow

May 11: HS TR Dist. @ WP

May 13: K/1 Celebration

May 14: School Board Mtg


May 9: Carnival

May 10: JH TR Dist. @ Glasgow

May 11: HS TR Dist. @ WP


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