One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, April 24, 2024

In the Whitewater area, calving is done and the area farmers are starting to seed. Good luck to the farmers.

Congratulations to Cassandra and Levi Harms on the birth of their new baby boy. He was born on March 30, 2024. His name is Justin and he has a brother and sister at home.

Late birthday greetings to Bonnie McMullen and to anyone I missed.

Congratulations to Rory Green on his high school awards.

Our Whitewater town and the North 40 Cafe were booming Saturday night.

The Whitewater school hosted prom for the schools of Saco, Whitewater and Hinsdale. They all dined at the North 40 Cafe before prom.

I didn’t go, but I saw Sommer Green in a beautiful purple gown.

Julie (Austin) called me and we had a nice visit. She now lives in Joliet, Montana.

Samantha Wisher’s “mini” bakery is specializing in homemade sweet rolls and bread. Call her for all her homemade goodies.

Saturday we attended a play titled “The Queen” of Phillips County. It was about the National Guard armory. Others from Whitewater were there, Lu Besell and Dixie Stordahl, who represented the Dinosaur Museum.

Just so you don’t run out of things to worry about, wild hogs are on their way to the US Canadian Border. I hope they bring their passports!

Whitewater School will be hosting a Spring concert on Thursday, April 25.

It is spring, the crocuses are out and are beautiful.

Helen A.


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