One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Once again there are shootings and murders. This time in our own Billings, Mont. When are we going to stop these crimes?

To the shooters, if you want to shoot and love guns so much, why don’t you join the Army?

Back in Whitewater, our Whitewater Penguins/Lady Mavericks won the state title in basketball! WOW!!

Sommer Green from Whitewater sang the National Anthem. She did a great job and has a beautiful voice. They interviewed her on the radio, and she sang the National Anthem on the radio! Keep singing Sommer.

This is the second year that the WW Penguins/Lady Mavericks won the state title. Congratulations to them and all the basketball players everywhere.

Now the season is over, and track will be starting soon. The ground is so dry.

March is going fast and soon Easter will be here, March 31st.

Don’t forget the Whitewater Lutheran Church has Soup Supper and Lenten service on Wednesdays until Easter.

Jeanie Green went to Great Falls to tournament games and to babysit grandchildren.

Jeanie met Pat Donich (formerly of Whitewater) in Great Falls. Hello to that family.

Debbie Anderson flew to Arizona to visit.

Pam Woolsy has happy chickens that lay farms fresh eggs to sell.

The geese came home followed by the ducks. Welcome back to them all!

Helen A.


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