One Nation, Under God

Loring News for Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Loring, and most of Montana, is experiencing very low temps, and a little snow. The weather had to be bad, the ballgames were postponed! I heard that exposed skin started to freeze in two minutes with these wind chill temps! The cold weather reminds me that I have my bubble solution down here! I’m taking it outside to blow some bubbles and see how they look in the freezing air. I probably will throw the boiling water into the frigid air and make snow! That one is dangerous because the water is boiling!

Loring residents send sympathy to the Anderson family from Whitewater on the death of Bobby Anderson earlier this month. Bobby was the best snow plower and grader of the county roads for many years! He and Pat moved to Billings when the HiLine closed in Malta.

Another death has been made known to me by her sister. Nancy Wingert grew up in Loring, graduating from Whitewater in 1968. I think she was living in Great Falls. Her sister Bonnie DeHart said she passed on January 4. We send her family sympathy.

I’m teaching another painting class this Friday here at Affinity. It’ll be my third one. Should be fun! I will sign off for now.

The next full moon is called the Wolf Moon and will be showing at the end of January. Stay warm everyone!


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