One Nation, Under God

"Fright in Flight"

Pastor Bob to Speak at Malta AOG on Sunday, Nov. 26

I made it past PSA security at Billings International Airport and headed to Gate C to wait for my flight to Wolf Point. The call to board the aircraft was delayed due to cold weather and the possibility of a snowstorm. Passengers were getting restless from the uncertainty of the flight.

The flight was finally cleared for departure and five relieved passengers made their way to the gate. Twenty minutes into the flight, we flew into a blizzard and lost sight of light from small towns along our journey. The pilot shined his flashlight every ten minutes on the leading edge of the wing and the cowling out the front window checking for ice. I could sense the nervousness of the passengers growing more intense. The lady in front of me reached across the aisle and gripped her husband's hand in an anxious jester. I remembered the famous words of the astronaut from outer space, "Houston, we have a problem."

I could tell by the GPS on the instrument panel we were nearing our destination. The pilot nosed the plane down into a steady descent. The only thing visible outside was the blizzard reflecting off the flashing lights at the tip of the wings.

The sound of the wing flaps being extended and the increase in noise, told us we were getting close to the runway. Then the clunk of the wheels locking in the down position confirmed we were committed to the landing. We faintly saw the runway lights through the blizzard. The pilot pulled back on the throttles dropping the RPMs of the engines as we crossed over the hash marks. The wheels hit the runway with a thud, and we were safely on the ground in Wolf Point, Montana. Everyone profusely thanked the pilot. He responded nonchalantly as though it was all in a day's work.

As we taxied to the gate, I thanked God for His protection and a safe landing. I thought about the journey of life and how dependent we are on the pilot of our lives, Jesus, who came into the world and literally gave His life to guide us into eternity. He said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." We don't need to fear the future.

Pastor Bob Unterseher of Billings, Montana will be guest speaker at Malta Assembly of God Church on November 26, 2023. Service time is scheduled for 11:00 A.M. Pastor Unterseher's message will be, "The Imminent Rapture." He will share current evidence of Biblical prophecy fulfillment in real time through world headline news. The church is located at 424 S 3rd St W, Malta, Montana. The public is invited to attend.


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