One Nation, Under God

MPS Board Receives Reports After First Month of School

Wednesday, Sept. 14th, the regularly scheduled meeting of the Malta School District Board met; following the pledge to the flag, motions for the approval of the minutes from the last meeting and agenda for the evening's meeting was voted on, both passing.

The board members and those in attendance gathered in the Corral foyer to hear the Student Showcase of the month, the High School Band.

Trustees of various committees provided Standing Committee Reports.

Elementary School Principal Zach Handley opened the Administrative Reports, stating he appreciated being introduced as "Mr. Handley," as some of the kindergarten kids call him, "Mrs. Handley...a common mistake...I guess."

He stated "there is a lot of energy and excitement in the building." The Diagnostic Testing has taken place for grades K-5. Andre Lien has stepped up to coach 5th-6th grade volleyball, and he thanked her. With the new bus signs up, the traffic seems to be going smoothly. The crosswalks are painted and everyone seems to be adjusting to the parking.

Handley stated that he is getting used to the parents stopping by, "I'm not used to that! It's chaos! Sometimes at the other school; you might see one or two parents once in a while...but not down here...I didn't know what to do...I was moving out of the's crazy!"

"Pictures were taken August 31st, and I thought it was pretty cool that two former teachers are involved, Mrs. Brewer and Mrs. Christman; thank you for staying involved."

He stated the new slide was installed, and he had tried it out.

Mrs. Kate Webb and her JMG (Jobs for Montana Graduates) came to the school and presented a bicycle safety program. The staff met and committee reports were given, including: recess, bullying, safety, cafeteria, communication, education survey and sunshine. From the meeting, teachers were able to identify several items they would like to see in the assemblies, they were more culturally diverse assemblies, more community outreach and involvement.

Handley said he had visited with Jenny Tollefson, County Health Nurse, and the protocol for addressing head lice is out dated. According to the CDC, there is really no reason to send a student home; they don't advise screenings.

There will be an inspection and evaluation on the water damage to the cafeteria floor; action will be taken accordingly. Diagnostic screening is also coming up.

The Phillips County Cattlewomen are bringing back Ag Day – it will be held Sept. 29th at the Pavilion. "As a kid I remember it, and as a person growing up in Phillips County it's really important to see this event in agriculture." October 2nd will be Unity Day - Bully Prevention Day, the kids wear orange and there are activities, "'s a really cool day for the kids."

When asked about the school policy on nits (head lice), Handley said the old policy worked back when it was implemented; he visited with the nurse and was told that one student had missed 50-60 days of school due to being sent home due to lice. He said it is just no longer necessary.

Principal Shawn Bleth addressed the meeting and said mid-term was already here; Homecoming has been scheduled for the week of October 2; he stated several factors played into setting the date so far ahead on the calendar.

Bleth provided stats on students attending colleges, universities, and trade schools, and how the systems track students beyond the education within the high school. He also touched on drop-out rates and the number of students choosing one or two years of schooling beyond high school at trade schools. Malta's graduation rate is 91.8%.

Mr. Raymond Hough addressed the meeting and said the new class he is coaching and instructing/guiding is eSports which the District added this year. The game Rocket League is currently a competitive game that is challenging the students, as they compete against other schools. This class was implemented to reach those who are not interested in sports or other extracurricular options. The class is offered at this time to high school students, he feels it is definitely helping the more shy/introverted students, though, "...but some of them can get competitive." There are six Class B schools enrolled, the program is through the State University Program.

Mr. Jake Norby, AD, addressed some of the up and coming technical changes that will be implemented. There will be webpages and links for quicker access to school activities and sports. The incident at the recent football game involving a knife was addressed; he stated there is a need to have some activities for the kids to do at half time. He stated he and Mr. Bleth had discussed trying to cut down on the rough housing that goes on at the end zones.

Norby said there was an incident with a pipe that was sticking up that injured a student; he said he got it covered up, however, it needs to be taken care of for obvious safety reasons.

He discussed requirements regarding safety and having an ambulance on stand-by and the number of accidents that have occurred.

The topic of a four-day school week will be something that is going to need to be addressed and decided upon, and soon. Malta School District is one of the few schools that are still on a five-day schedule. He stated he wasn't going to give any particulars about it, it definitely is in the works. He said he has been asked about why some of the games are starting so early – it is because the other schools are 4-day and they set what works for them.

Open spots for faculty positions was touched upon.

The advisors for the various clubs and activities and contracts for their services was discussed. A motion was made and seconded to approve the contracts; motion passed.

Bus routes and transportation was next on the agenda, and out of district attendance.

On the agenda was the roof repair, this involves the gym and auditorium; a new bid had been received just prior to the meeting that was nearly $52,000 over the highest bid submitted. The bid would be good for 15 days. After discussion, the item was tabled; a special meeting would be held to review the options and cost. Mr. Bleth spoke on the matter of heat tapes that had been used in the last couple years; they had helped alleviate the ice jams and buildup.

Board trustee Jessica Oyler inquired about the "priority list" that had been created in the last couple of years and whether it was even being adhered to. She reminded the board members of the situation at the elementary school for heating and air cooling system and the need to take care of those items as well.

The board discussed at length the costs involved, financial limitations, other options and the cost of waiting or prolonging the inevitable. The board set a special board meeting for the building committee and finance committee to meet and discuss any other possible options and whether the contractor bid would still be available.

The next item on the agenda was cafeteria flooring; Principal Handley explained the holdup on proceeding, with the need to do some plumbing changes that might affect the new flooring, the matter was placed on hold until next meeting.

Board goals was on the agenda; the members each stated some of the particular things they would like to see happen. One goal was to "build our own teachers" through encouraging graduates to return to Malta to teach. Communication between the board and community was a strong point offered, as well.

Board members helping as community members at events was brought up; the general census was any help offered would be welcome. The concern about helping without there being enough members in a surrounding without it be a quorum was discussed. Mr. Bleth offered suggestions that would allow assistance without causing negative community perception.

The school website was discussed; it will be updated and the public should be able to check there for information on topics they might be interested in.

Supt. Steve Bucks, in his administrative report, stated need for safely plans, in light of a situation that happened at another school within the county earlier in the month. Having agencies such as Homeland Security, law enforcement and mental health resources on-board were discussed.

The topic of a four-day school week was again discussed. This is causing scheduling concerns, parents aren't pleased with the games starting at one o'clock on Fridays, which works well for those on four-day weeks. Not only will the teaching staff will be involved, it was stated that community input will be essential in making decisions with the matter. If the board goes forward with the four-day option, the question was posed by Chairman Carter Clausen, " it being done for athletics, is it being done for education and is it being done because we are a five-day babysitter...?" and stated, "...if we move forward with it."

The next meeting of the District School Board is Wednesday, October 11, with the meeting to begin at 7 P.M.

The special meeting of the finance committee was held at 5:30 p.m. followed by the building committee at 6:30 P.M. were held on Monday, Sept. 18th. From these meetings, a special board meeting was held at 7 A.M. on Thursday the 21st. As per Supt. Bucks, the action plan to go ahead with the proposed roof repair passed unanimously.


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