One Nation, Under God

Council Talks Vandalism, Water Pressure, and Street Lights

There was a little more activity than usual at the Malta City Council meeting on the 22nd. Attending were Council members Bonnie Wiederrick, David Rummel and Bill Hicks. Also attending were Laura Pankratz and Dennis Fitzgerald. Members of the Little White Church attending were Marla Sisco, Bob Kaluza, and Gordon and Kerry Faaborg.

The meeting opened with the pledge to the flag, followed by motions to accept the minutes from the last meeting, the agenda for the meeting, and the Council voted unanimously to pay the claims for the month.

The opening comments for the meeting were those of Mayor John Demarais, who expressed his disappointment, frustration and disgust with the recent vandalism at the skatepark.

Public hearing time was opened for public input, questions and discussion on the annual street lighting maintenance, which was followed by the same for the annual street lighting assessment. With no input, the hearings were closed.

PWD Jim Truelove started off his report with his thoughts on the vandalism as well. “It was quite significant. It will be quite costly if you add up the manpower hours that will be needed for cleanup, and the paint we ordered.”

He added, “We had to paint over it…we went over the worst of it.”

Mayor Demarais and Truelove agreed that the messages had to be covered as soon as possible due to the nature of the paintings.

“I’m getting sick of the vandalism,” remarked Mayor Demarais.

He said Mark Newby (of Saco) has offered a commercial pressure washer to use in getting the graffiti removed.

The consensus of those attending was to offer a reward through Crime Stoppers or such for information leading to the arrest of the vandals.

Truelove said Unit 45 is up and going, the needed repairs for the newer garbage truck are 10 months out yet. His update for the Event Center was that the new stoves are hooked up and ready to use.

The new Principal at the Elementary School, Zach Handley, had contacted him and has signs the school has prepared for placing regarding parking issues at the school. Crosswalks are painted and they should be ready now for the opening of school.

Truelove reported a hydrant break on Highway 2 that was quickly repaired; he said the surveyor will be in town to complete a survey of the lots by the arena.

Laura Pankratz stated that a truck route sign had fallen down and she propped it up; Truelove stated that new truck route signs have been ordered and will be here soon.

City Clerk Lorie Bond reported that Dave Peterson, Coordinator of the St. Mary’s Rehabilitation Working Group is planning to meet in Malta soon and will meet with the County Commissioners as well for the informational meeting.

There were no reports from the landfill, safety, fire, law enforcement, planning, or parks and recreation departments.

Mayor Demarais opened the floor for public comment. Bob Kaluza stated he was there on behalf of the Little White Church, stating their pastor lives in Murray Trailer Court in the parsonage house and “…has water but no water pressure; he can’t water his lawn; if the dishwasher is running you don’t have any other pressure in the house.” He was speaking on their behalf, however, a strong percentage of residents in the Court have the same issue. One resident recently had to dig out their water line and replace it.

PWD Truelove and Mayor Demarais offered some suggestions. The concern of the residents was compelling and well-founded as an exchange of conversations followed. As one resident said, “ seems like all the trouble started when Helena Sand & Gravel came to town.” The concerned citizens stated that they have been frustrated when the water flow is less than a pencil in size and lord forbid, someone grabs a drink when someone else is in the shower!

Filters, mineral buildup, manganese, chlorine, fluoride, and who has to absorb the cost were matters and issues tossed out for discussion.

Truelove said he would have the crew flush the hydrants in hopes that might be of some help. The residents said access to the houses through what should be an alleyway is an issue, there is no alley north of these houses. Short of replacing the size of the water lines and pipe, which is the homeowners’ expense, it didn’t sound very optimistic for a positive outcome.

“We wonder why we have to pay a water bill when we don’t have water.”

Following a lengthy discussion of the water issue, motions were made, followed by a second to approve Resolutions 1335, 1336, 1337, and 1338. The Resolutions were passed unanimously.

The Council approved an application for the closure of 4th Street between 3rd Street East and 4th Street East requested by Grace Fellowship Church.

The next meeting is Sept. 12th at 5 p.m.


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