One Nation, Under God

Legals for Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Town of Saco

Public Hearing to Apply for CDBG Grant Funding

The Town of Saco will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. in the Saco Town Hall, 110 Nelson Street, Saco, MT 59261. The purpose of the hearing is to obtain public comments regarding a proposed application to the Montana Department of Commerce’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and other programs, as applicable, for Wastewater System Improvements. The project includes the replacement of up to 1,700 lineal feet of degrading clay sewer collection mains with new PVC pipe and manholes, lagoon system upgrades including earthen embankment rehabilitation, new rip rap slope protection, and new security fencing. At the public hearing, the proposed project will be explained, including the purpose and proposed area of the project, activities, budget, possible sources of funding, and the costs that may impact local citizens. All interested persons will be given the opportunity to ask questions and to express their opinions regarding this proposed project.

Comments may be given orally at the hearing or submitted in writing before 5:00 p.m. on September 13, 2023. Anyone who wants more information or wants to submit questions or comments should contact Ernie Marinko – Town Clerk, at 406-527-3312.

(Published by Phillips County News 8/30, 9/6/2023)



Notice of Public Hearing

The City of Malta will conduct a public hearing on August 31, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall. The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public comment concerning the 2023/24 budget and proposed mills. Persons and/or their agent(s) may appear in person or send written comments to Mayor John Demarais, PO Box 1300 Malta MT 59538 no later than 11:30 a.m. August 31, 2023. Copies of the preliminary budget will be available for review after August 23, 2023, during regular business hours.

(Published by Phillips County News 8/23, 8/30/2023)



Snow Removal Contractors

Being Sought

Snow Removal Contractor Proposals are being sought for the 2023- 2024 winter season for all in town Malta Schools including the Elementary, Old Gym, Middle School/ High School, and the Head Start Building. Interested contractors may obtain a bid sheet from Superintendent Mr. Bucks or Jana Moran in the Central Office of the Malta Middle School/ High School.

Proposals are due by Friday, September 08, 2023 by 3:00 P.M. in the Business Office of Malta High School, 654-1871.

(Published by Phillips County News 8/30, 9/6/2023)




In the Matter of Cause No. DV-2023-20

the Name Change of Dept. No .: ________

Andrea Rae Burwick

Order Setting Hearing

Andrea Rae Burwick,


This Court orders:

Name Change Hearing

The hearing on the Petition for Name Change filed in this case is set for:

Date: 10/10/2023

Time: 11:00 A.M.

Place: Phillips County Courthouse

Date: 08/24/2023 Yvonne Laird


(Published by Phillips County News 08/30, 9/6, 9/13, 9/20/2023)




Cole, Amestoy & O’Brien, PLLP

113 South 2nd Street West

P.O. Box 1280

Malta, Montana 59538

Phone: (406) 654-2541

Attorney for Personal Representative



IN THE MATTER ) Probate No. DP-2023-16






Deceased )

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred.

Claims must be mailed, return receipt requested, to: Judy Rock and Kenneth H. Farquhar, Co-Personal Representatives, c/o Cole, Amestoy & O’Brien, PLLP, P.O. Box 1280, 113 South 2nd Street West, Malta, Montana 59538, or filed with the Clerk of the above Court.

DATED this 11th day of August 2023.


Judy Rock

Personal Representative


Kenneth Farquhar

Personal Representative

(Published by Phillips County News 8/23, 8/30, 9/6/2023)




Many construction improvements have been taking place at Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge this summer and will continue into the month of September. New culverts have already been installed at Route 101, Seven Mile, and Nichols Coulee, and the bridges at Rock Creek and Sand Creek are currently being replaced.

Rock Creek Bridge will likely be closed until September 14th at the intersection of Route 201 and Route 202. The construction team is aware that the timing of this work interferes with hunting season, and they are doing everything they can to provide earlier access, if at all possible.

Sand Creek Trail (Route 220) will likely remain closed through September as construction continues at Sand Creek Bridge. It is possible Sand Creek Bridge could become passable earlier than expected, with some traffic delays.

You can contact the Sand Creek Field Station at (406)464-5181 with questions about access at Rock Creek Bridge and Sand Creek Bridge.

In addition to the two bridge replacements, some clean-up work on Route 101 may also cause minor traffic delays, at times.

For more information, you can visit:

.(Published by Phillips County News 8/30, 9/6/2023)



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