One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for Wednesday, August 2, 2023

We experienced a short-lived weather disturbance on Sunday with lots of thunder, lightning, and wind but not much rain. We were hoping it would go ahead and rain, the ground top dries out so fast and cracks. As much rain as we were having it is surprising the grass is so dry. Be nice to have all the rain out of its system so as not to disturb the fair.

They have really been busy at the Fairgrounds---at the end of the week it will be a beehive of activity. It is supposed to stay terribly hot all week.

Polly Solberg rode to Great Falls with Vivian and Tim Bruckner and has been visiting Merrimae and Sid Solberg and other relatives. She is to find out soon if she may start driving again.

Steve and Judy Henry made another quick trip home on Saturday to add some stuff to Mom Dora’s computer and correct a problem. They are going to Seattle this week, Thursday is Steve’s birthday and wanted to spend it with all their immediate family.

Lunch was not served at the Whapatua this week making ready for the POW-WOW there this weekend.

Velyma Broadhead is visiting with kids, looking forward to her daughter’s twins being born. Even being brave to share in Arizona’s hotter days than even ours.

Congratulations to the Kirkaldie and Werk teams with their big win in the wild horse race. Love to watch these.

Congratulations to all having birthdays and anniversaries. May they be happy ones and that you have many more.

An eighty-year-old lady was complaining to a friend that she had a lot of trouble during the night because a man kept banging on her door. When her friend asked, “Why didn’t you open the door?” The lady replied, “What? And let him out?”

Have a good week and be careful in the heat!!! Enjoy the fair and greet all your old friends!


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