One Nation, Under God
Eighth grade participation in high school activities was in focus once again at Malta Public Schools' regular meeting held on Wednesday, July 12.
All board members were present including Board Chairman Carter Clausen, Scott Meneely, Jessica Oyler, Katey Marquis, and Angelica DeVries. It was also the first meeting for newly hired Superintendent Steve Bucks.
Ultimately, the board opted to table discussions on the issue until after holding a special meeting with the incoming Activities Director Jake Norby can have input if he would like to.
That Special School Board Meeting will take place on Wednesday, July 26, at 7 p.m.
To start off the July 12 meeting, the agenda was approved, as were the minutes of last June's meetings on June 7 and June 15.
The Malta High School FFA team then showed up to share the state of their group.
Malta FFA President Danika Wilke introduced the group before they talked about their fundraisers at the Phillips County Fair, which includes their lemonade stand.
"This year the stand will be open Thursday through Sunday and I encourage everyone to come over and get a glass," Malta FFA Vice President AJ Marquis said.
She then introduced secretary Karlie LaBrie who talked about the 4H and FFA Livestock Show and Sale.
"We started working with our steers in December and we will finish at the fair," LaBrie said. "The steer show is on Friday starting at 8 a.m. and the sale is on Saturday at 9 a.m. We would like to invite you all to the sale and show.
Kenzie LaBrie, the group's Treasurer said that the group was hosting a "Goat Plop" fundraiser in which numbered squares could be purchased to bet on which square the goat will "plop" first. The squares can be purchased at Todd's Technology from now until August 3, and then squares can be purchased at the FFA Lemonade Stand. The goat will be released into the pen on Sunday, August 6, at 11 a.m. The winner doesn't need to be present to win. There will be a total of 100 squares.
Sadie Branham, reporter for the FFA, said that the group has been working hard to keep the garden in good shape, which includes pumpkins.
MHS Principal Shawn Bleth presented the board with the first action item of the meeting, a proposal that would mark the guidelines for eighth grade participation in high school activities.
Mr. Bleth said that he and former AD Desiree Egger met with high school coaches about the issue, as mentioned in the June meeting, the coaches were on board and gave their input.
"The driving indicator is going to be the need for eighth grade participants in high school activities or at least the desire to supplement the numbers of high schoolers or high school activities with eighth-graders, not have eighth-graders serve as a replacement for high schoolers," Principal Bleth said.
The language in the proposal went through a few changes. One change included not limiting eighth grade participation to a sub-varsity level, but allowing those students to compete in varsity events as well.
The threshold numbers have been risen, to make it easier for eighth-graders to participate.
Though Principal Bleth knows that ultimately Malta Middle School eighth-graders will be allowed to participate in sports, he expressed his concerns for students already competing at a high school level.
"I have significant concerns with this policy, but that's just the way it is," Principal Bleth said. "We will not know the repercussions of this until we do it."
His first concern was the amount of time that middle schools will miss in the classroom due to sporting events.
"Right now middle schools don't miss a lot of school for sporting events, but if we allow them to participate in high school activities, that is going to balloon significantly," Principal Bleth said.
He also said that it would put a lot of responsibility on the eighth-graders because they will be treated like high schoolers.
One stipulation that was written in the proposal was that the coaches would have to meet with the AD prior to an eighth-grader joining a high school activity.
Principal Bleth said that students in activities tend to have the best attendance, best grades, and behaviors. He said that out of 36 students that had one or more failing grades, only two were in high school activities.
His concern is that if an eighth-grader takes a roster spot that was otherwise reserved for a high school student, that the high school student unable to participate will potentially see his or her grades, classroom attendance and or mental health falter.
Though one side wanted to finish the language and approve a slightly revised version of the program prior to the new AD stepping in, the board ultimately decided to bring Mr. Norby into the discussion before finalizing the rule.
The meeting, which will include Mr. Norby, is scheduled for Thursday, July 26, at 7 p.m.
The board approved the contract for new Malta Public Schools Superintendent Steve Bucks, who was present at his first regular meeting.
The board also approved the contract of new Malta Middle School and Malta High School Counselor Katie Indreland, Paraprofessional Charlotte McCready, Trinity Raymond as FFA Advisor for the rest of the summer, and HS Track Coach Shyla Clausen.
Item four was the approval of the three MPS Student Handbooks. All three handbooks were approved despite a lack of a middle school principal in place.
High school activity ticket prices were increased for the upcoming school year. The new prices will be eight dollars for adults and six dollars for students to match prices with all other schools in the 2B District.
The Intergovernmental Transfer Agreement was approved by the board. The agreement allows DPHHS to handle the district's payments for the Eastern Montana Mental Health Center Program.
Item 7, an Interlocal Agreement between Malta School District and North Harlem Colony were tabled because there was no paperwork presented.
The board approved a motion to call for bigs pertaining to the Wrestling Center, which will include insulation, windows, soffit, and other repairs to upkeep the building.
Item 9 was the Ratification of MPS' Collective Bargaining Agreement. Teri Blunt, Vice President of the CBA, represented the group. $700 dollars was added towards base pay for teachers. $25 additional dollars per month was added to insurance. Teachers will have free school lunch. Paid Leave will be deducted in 15 minute increments instead of 30 minute increments. An E-Sports Coaching position will be added.
The Second Reading of Board Policy 3350 was approved (Drug Testing Policy).
Montana School Board Association Membership fees increased by 4.21 percent.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 9. The budget will be discussed.
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