One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, July 12, 2023

JULY 5, 2023

It is sad about the train derailment in the Yellowstone River. Let’s hope it doesn’t pollute the river. This could kill cattle, sheep, and wild animals or people.

Sympathy to all involved.

It is July 2023, Happy Birthday to all who are celebrating, this includes my daughters Teresa and Gale, (my son Mitchell’s birthday is in August).

Also, to those who are celebrating anniversaries this month.

Happy 4th of July to all. Drive carefully.

Well, I had a great weekend. We went to the Milk River Gospel Jamboree! There were musicians from the United States and across Canada, with singers and some families of children who played music. I prefer live music to taped. They also had meals and an auction.

Saturday, after the concert, we went to Terry Cole’s 80th birthday. It was packed since Terry had 13 children! Anyway, she danced almost every dance at 80 years!

Happy Birthday Terry!

Sunday, I went to the concert again with my friend Irene Wendayln from Chinook.

We had dinner and really enjoyed the afternoon of the most beautiful gospel music.

I returned to Whitewater with the Hills. They (Bruce and Lyn) had been to a family reunion at a resort owned by Pat Donich, her husband, and her family. They said they had a great time.

Here in Whitewater, the North 40 Café had senior meals. Guests were Nancy LaBrie and three Olson girls and Dixie Moore who is here often. Welcome to her and the guests.

Today is a beautiful summer day, sunny and warm. Enjoy the nice weather and have a Happy 4th of July.

JULY 12, 2023

It is July 4, 2023, when I am writing this. Happy Independence Day! Also, Happy Birthday to all July birthdays. This includes my girls Teresa and Gale. Happy Anniversary to all who are celebrating.

Well, there is a rumor that I moved. No, I still live in Whitewater.

So, if you have any news or a story, call me or send the info.

Whitewater Baptist Church had vacation bible school this week and also a tent revival. There were many people there.

“Get Well” to Pastor Bob Nagy of our Whitewater Lutheran Church.

Many from Whitewater spend the 4th of July at the lake (Nelson Reservoir), and a few at Zortman’s celebration.

The temperature is really cool for July. The nights cool off nicely.

There are still Senior Meals at the North 40 Café on Wednesday. Last week there was a couple from Denmark here. They are visiting their son and his wife Christine and family.

They were very interesting to visit. They returned to Denmark.

Here’s a recipe for “Wilted Lettuce” from the P.C. Fair Cookbook.


1 head lettuce washed and shredded.

¼ cup white vinegar

5 slices of cooked bacon

1 T. of brown sugar.

Mix all ingredients and pour over the lettuce. (A good salad for a BBQ).

Here’s hoping you have a good summer!

Helen A.


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