One Nation, Under God

VFW News: Who is Flying Your Plane?

Do you ever wonder about the pilot in the Caption’s seat while you settle in for your flight, wherever it may take you?

One pilot ‘entered through the back door’ so to speak as he started in Navy flight school graduating college and then flew F/A-18 fighter jets. He saw four different theaters and eventually became a Navy test pilot.

Flying the dynamic nature and complexity of military ops prepared the pilot to be one of the best commercial pilots. He knew how a ‘holding’ pattern, thunderstorms or turbulence can affect passengers having connecting flights.

In pressurized decision-making his Navy training came into play whether landing on an aircraft carrier or helping a wingman who lost oil pressure over Iraq.

So, thank the military at all times throughout your life.

June is filled with military days and celebrations.

We lead off with the Storming of Normandy and the battle of 1944. Yearly ceremonies are held to commemorate the battle as attendees pay tribute to the achievements and sacrifices of those who fought for freedom in World War 11.

(Information taken from AARP magazine) June 6, 2019, featured a broad array of D-Day Ceremonies with world leaders and dignitaries. It was possibly the last time surviving veterans would be in attendance because of their age. Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, Prime Minister May, French President Macron, President Trump, Prince Charles and Duchess of Cornwall to name a few, all took part in the Commemorations.

We give recognition to Women Veterans, which is only on a state by state level with legislation trying to make it national. There is a resolution to have June 12 officially recognized as “Women Veterans Appreciation Day”. The purpose of the resolution is to address “the disparities in care, recognition and benefits that our women veterans receive”.

We proudly fly our red, white and blue on Flag Day designated June 14. It is also called National Flag Day in the United States, a day honoring the national flag. The holiday commemorates the date in 1777 when the U. S. approved the design for the first national flag.

In closing I found this quote on the computer:

I wanted to serve

Volunteered to serve

Knew what I was doing

And I’d do it again.

God Bless you all on this Memorial Day weekend.


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