One Nation, Under God

VFW Selects Teacher of the Year

Before an assembly of the Malta Elementary School staff, Ret. Col. Donald Klinko welcomed those in attendance. He presented to Mrs. Shiloh Seymore, Principal, a document and certificate from which she read. Buster Deo VFW Post 4067 selection for the VFW Teacher of the Year was announced, the honor went to Kindergarten teacher, Janine Tuss.

Mrs. Tuss received the award and a bouquet of flowers from the VFW was presented by Carolyn Schmoeckel. Also present at the event were Scott Hould, brother, Kari Hould, mother, and Carrie Perry, special friend.

Through her teaching career Mrs. Tuss has added an element of patriotism in her curriculum. Some of the projects she has carried out over the years include sending personalized get-well cards to Veterans. Personalized sympathy cards containing the message, "You lost a loved one, we lost a Veteran," were sent to families with all the hand-signed signatures from the class. The kindergarten classes have recited the pledge to the flag and received certificates; they were also provided with toy army soldiers to remind them to keep our military in their thoughts.

Mrs. Tuss did a 3-D structure for 9-11, which included a mock tower, the attack planes, ambulances and responders to bring to reality the immense loss our nation felt on that devastating day. Her classes participated in coloring contests for Buddy Poppy, and observed Veteran's Day and President's Day.

Her children have also been active in tributes to the Veterans, including serving the Veteran's Day Dinner, Memorial Day BBQ, and assisted with entries in the Memorial Day parades. They assisted with the May Day baskets creation and delivery, and tributes and visits with Gold Star Mothers Hulda Grant and Mae Walsh, to name a few projects.

Janine is married to Spike Tuss who teaches in Poplar. Their son Connor completed his freshman year at Dawson Community College; daughter Lauren graduates May 21st from MHS and daughter Denvyr is completing her freshman year at MHS.


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