One Nation, Under God

North Country News for Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Evelyn (Murdock) and Lyle Hanson’s three girls, Cindy Hanson, Lori Haugen, and Joni Lynn from North Dakota traveled through very bad weather to come to Montana on Friday to visit relatives. They went to visit cousin, JoAnn Hammond and family and Aunt Ree Simonson on Friday. They enjoyed dinner with many cousins. Saturday, they enjoyed having tea at the Murdock Homestead where their mother grew up with Aunt Pat Murdock and Therese.

A large group of cousins and friends gathered at the North 40 for a family reunion and to celebrate Cindy's birthday. It would have been her mother's birthday, too. The Simonson, Murdock, Olsen, and Anderson cousins attended the family reunion. Their Uncle Bill Murdock, Aunt Ree Simonson, and Aunt Margie all attended. Thank goodness the weather was nice. The Hanson girls spent the night with Aunt Margie and left Monday morning for their homes. Their brother, Lee, from Wyoming, was unable to attend.

Dallas, Ashley, Rory, and Sommer stopped in to see Pat Murdock and Therese' in the afternoon. Dallas was going to Rochester for medical treatment again.

The big rush of water has receded quite a bit. Luckily no one was flooded out of their homes. The water is welcome.

Denise and Clinton Cox welcome a new grandson named Tripp. He was born on April 11 to Macey and Ryan Ferguson of Wilsall, Montana. Tripp joins his 2 ½-year-old brother, Trey.

News for this week. The cows came home. Jay and Carolyn Yeska and Lexie Haynes hauled the Murdock cows home to Whitewater on Saturday. Great to see all the calves.

Allie and his mother Margie Olsen drove to Big Sandy on Sunday to visit Margie's sister-in-law Beverly (Olsen) Haugen at the Big Sandy Retirement home.

Debbie Anderson and Rena Math were in Billings over the weekend to watch Sienna Simanton, Debbie's granddaughter, play soccer. They also visited Tasha Math and her family who lives near Custer, MT.

Tyanna Dunbar, Bri Anderson, and Ryett Anderson visited with Pat Murdock on the flat while hunting gophers on Saturday afternoon. Nice day to be out.


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