One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Whitewater Creek is flooding! Mr. Cummings took pictures and there is water everywhere.

Recently, the PC Ambulance responded to a call from Whitewater. They took a lovely lady to the hospital. We are glad she is doing better and at home now.

The ambulance provides a real service; however, Whitewater should have its own local ambulance service. There is an ambulance here but cannot get anyone to be medics and drive. Maybe there is time and training involved.

We are so isolated out here and a local ambulance would be a blessing. If interested in becoming an EMT, please call the PC Ambulance for information.

“Hello” to Freddie Allery Jr. who spent the Easter weekend with his dad, Fred Allery Sr. in Billings. Both father and son lived in Whitewater for many years. The Allery’s had, maybe still have, a farm near Whitewater Creek.

Whitewater ranchers and farmers are checking their fields to see how much water is on them. This includes Curt and Janice Reichelt who have land east of here.

Linda Berg’s house and property in Whitewater is now for sale. This is a nice well-kept house, with a garage, yard, and greenhouse.

Whitewater School will be out for summer! The students, especially the seniors are anxious for graduation. Good Luck to all!

The Whitewater School will be having a carnival on April 27, 2023, and it starts at 5:30 p.m. Should be a fun time for all ages.

The Whitewater School concert is on April 25, 2023. All are welcome. High School Graduation is May 19, 2023.

Enjoy the spring!

Helen A.


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