One Nation, Under God

Adults In Our Community Bullying A High Schooler

Dear Editor,

I am writing this in response to the adults who think it is okay to make negative comments on Facebook and in the classroom about a student athlete. First of all, my grandson is a wonderful young man and he does not deserve this kind of bullying. Every one of these bullies do not even know him or anything about him.

I called Malta Schools twice trying to get on the agenda leaving voice mail with the superintendent but my calls were never returned. I believe the two junior high teachers who made comments on Facebook and comments in the classroom should be held accountable. My other grandchild had to deal with this bullying also. The apology that I received from one of the teachers was that, "I didn't do anything wrong."

As far as the adults on Facebook making comments about Juliun, I just can not believe how ignorant and immature they are. Their apologies, or lack of them, were also ignorant. I can not believe the jealousy. I do not understand how I used to be proud of this community but not so much anymore. I am ashamed of a few ignorant people who do not know a single thing about basketball and for some reason are jealous and mean and angry.

Juliun goes out on the floor and he plays with so much passion and talent and knowledge of the mechanics of basketball or any other sport he is competing in at the time. I guess these people do not understand how a young boy can be so talented.

I hope the coaches in the 2B conference would help us understand the theory of the voting for All-State players. It is very confusing and political. I feel it was another form of bullying.

In closing, I hope this situation never happens to anyone else. My family has had a tough couple weeks and I feel sorry for these bullies. I think this community better start looking at the adult bullies and making sure our children are safe.

Love you Grandson, you are awesome,

Alice Hofer

Malta, Mont.


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