One Nation, Under God

Legislative Update From Senator Lang

To Senate District 17

As Eastern Montana has been attending wrestling and basketball events, the legislature continues to move legislation that will help all Montanans. Competition is heated with debates and is very fast-moving. Rules and decorum keep us in order, but sometimes the crowd, like during an athletic event, voices their opinion. I do it every day here, whether in committee or on the floor, with a green (yes) or a red (no) vote on the issue at hand.

We have reformed some of the government regarding election protocol, ethics of legislators, judges and the judicial branch. The Senate has processed laws about covenants and punitive damages.

We created formalities that make the Montana Environmental Protection Act (MEPA) easier to comply with on State lands while maintaining environmental integrity.

The Senate has reduced the capital gains, income and business equipment taxes. We also supported SB 41, worker training grants.

Section F, long-range planning, which I am a member of, voted positively on House Bill (HB) 5, long-range building appropriation; HB 6, Renewable resource grants; HB 7, Reclamation and development grants; HB 8, Renewable resource bonds and loans; HB 9, cultural and aesthetic grants; HB 10, long-range technology; HB 11, Montana coal endowment program; HB 12, MT historic preservation grants. In these bills, there are monies for our area through cities, towns, wastewater, businesses, theatrical and historic facilities. HB 5 and HB 6 also have amendments for the ST Mary Milk River siphons and the Aurora lights complex at NMC Northern.

The bird dog and conservation district bills continue to move to the house.

I asked the Montana Department of Transportation to create a sign memorial at the overpass east of Dodson for Harry A Paulson. Mr. Paulson accidentally died on the overpass in 1970 while operating a mower tractor. A deserving, in the line of duty, memorial for his family.

Call 406-654-7357 or email [email protected] anytime.

Gratefully, Senator Mike Lang MT SD 17


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