One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for Wednesday, February 15, 2023

We had a week of much warmer weather----getting up into the 30s and 40s and one day inched past 50 for a short time. It did settle the snow in several places but we still have lots in all the yards and on the streets. It's supposed to go back to the 30s and less this week again.

We did see a little activity during the warmer days, even some people looking at available houses.

There was Bingo at the school on Sunday.

We lost another long-time resident on Friday with the passing of Al Minugh at the nursing home in Big Sandy. Condolences are sent to family and friends.

Hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day. One more nice holiday to enjoy.

Birthday greetings are sent to Jerry Lankford, my son Bill and all others having a birthday this week. On the year Bill was born, the 18th was Ash Wednesday. Congratulations are in order for all celebrating an anniversary this week also.

The world is divided into good people and bad people and the good people decide which is which.

The fact that we have been having suspicious balloons and such floating around over our installations means we need to be more watchful that we are not caught unaware, or that we have been living with our heads in a sack. Sacks and balloons have been blown up before.

Have a good week and keep praying for better weather to stay for a while ----I think everyone is ready for it.


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