One Nation, Under God
Oh, the temps are spring-like! We’ve had a few days with 40 degrees plus, so the snow is melting a little. The banks have a crust of ice and when the sun hits them, the glare is shocking! My driveway is pretty icy so if you come to visit, please be careful!
Cindy Clark and I attended the ball game in Whitewater on Friday! It was a full afternoon! Two junior varsity games, boys and girls, senior night, and two varsity games. The Mavericks won the two varsity games over Scobey but lost the JV games. They were both good games! Also, the Ding lts and Dang Its had games at halftime and worked on their dribbling skills! I can’t believe how much they have improved since I first saw them two years ago!
The annual meeting of the Lutheran Church was Sunday. The officers stayed the same with Kenny Clark taking the open seat for deacon. Other business, concerns about getting the landscaping done this spring.
Cindy Clark and I went to Malta to pick up groceries on Thursday. We also took in the senior meals at the Hi-Line Market. We visited with Ron and Dianne Hanson and Dixie Moore.
Nolan Simanton was out on Sunday to see where I might like to put my generator. Yes, I’m getting a generator to cover the downtime when the power goes off. I have never really needed one, but it’ll be nice to have it just in case.
It won’t be long til the gophers are cavorting around on the remnants of the snowbanks!
Happy Valentine’s Day next week! The full moon has been so beautiful this month! It’s called the Snow Moon. Also, a fun tidbit I read is that it’s the smallest moon this year. That’s due to the farthest distance from the earth. It just appears to be smaller to those that measure such things, we earthlings on the whole won’t notice a difference. Have a great week!
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