One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for Wednesday, February 8, 2023

The weather and the world are staying about the same. It stays cold and we still have most of our snow. I have always enjoyed winter but think I have changed my mind this year. It has finally warmed up enough that we are seeing some water at the edges finally.

The teams played some hard games on Saturday with Poplar and unfortunately lost the games. Sorry, you played hard.

Polly Solberg went to Havre on Thursday and while there visited several old friends at the nursing home.

Polly Solberg and Dora Henry attended the funeral of long-time friend Harvey Smith on Saturday. There was a good attendance to honor him and most everyone gathered at the Little White Church to visit and share stories. The ladies had a delicious lunch. Our condolences again to Mary and the Smith families.

Congratulations and happy birthday to all having an anniversary or birthday this week. And don't forget that Valentine’s Day is coming, your sweetheart deserves at least that box of candy!

The man who claims he never made a mistake in his life generally has a wife who did.

Have a super week and enjoy the warmer weather. Watch your step and be careful------it's terribly icy!!


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