One Nation, Under God

Christmas Wasn't Quiet for PWD, Our Water Was Tested

At the Tuesday, Dec. 27th, meeting of the City Council, the minutes were approved, as was the agenda for the meeting. All four members of the Council, Mayor Demarais, Clerk Lorie Bond, and PWD Jim Truelove were present.

PWD Jim Truelove reported that there were two water breaks on private water lines on Christmas and he was called out to turn the water off.

He reported that he had received the results of the manganese testing of the City’s water. The results were lower than expected at .421 mg/L. The EPA limit of .30 mg/L was listed on the result report. This was a report, however, the EPA has not set an official limit yet.

PWD Truelove then reported that the City Crew would continue to haul the large piles of snow around town. He said he would be hiring an additional dump truck to help get the piles removed.

PWD Truelove was asked about a dog incident in the Sheriff’s log in the PCN today, and he confirmed the incident. It involved the law enforcement K-9 and a dog running at large.

At the end of his report, PWD Truelove asked for the Council’s permission to attend the Montana Rural Water Convention in Great Falls in March. A motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously in favor.

The City would like to remind citizens of the ordinances regarding vehicles not being used on a regular basis and parked on the street. They are subject to citations. Snow plows would rather not have to work around parked vehicles, your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Clerk Bond presented Council members with the November financials, current check register, current shut-off list, and the budget vs actual report.

There was no public comment. No one was in attendance to report on Parks & Rec, law enforcement, or the fire department.

Under old business, Mayor Demarais presented the Council with the Montana Municipal Interlocal Authority Proof of Loss document. PWD Truelove reported that MMIA would pay the City $4,898.68 towards the construction of a new bathroom in Trafton Park to replace the bathroom that was damaged and had to be torn down. At this time, the City is still looking for someone to construct the facility. Once the new bathroom is built MMIA would reimburse the City for the remaining costs incurred. Councilperson Wiederrick moved to have Mayor Demarais sign the proof of loss statement, Councilperson Hicks seconded the motion, motion carried.

Under new business, Mayor Demarais presented the Council with Trafton Lift Station Project Draw 6 in the amount of $42,272.99; Councilperson Sintler moved to approve the draw, seconded by Councilperson Rummel. A unanimous vote was cast, and motion carried.

There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned. The next Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 5 p.m.


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