One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for Wednesday, December 14, 2022

This week of Sunday, December 11, is cold and I was told today that the next two weeks were to be even colder. They talk of the global warming, but it seems to be getting global colding to me. Sunday (today) had heavy snowing in Havre and west of us today. We could use less for a while and then some in a couple months to fill reservoirs and water holes. By then we might start getting a little warmth.

There were only a few people out at the center for lunch on Friday, but they had a very nice lunch. After Wednesday the 21st the days are supposed to start getting a little longer every day as it is the FIRST day of WINTER.

Dolores Shettel stopped at Dora Henry's on Friday and even enjoyed lunch at the center.

Thanks to Pat for keeping my walk cleared to the street. There are still people who care.

I read that this November was classed about the 6th in the top ten of worst Novembers in Montana.

Congratulations to the Cats for their big win again on Friday. And kudos to the players who played on such a cold night----as it was a night game.

We wish good health to all who are sick in this cold ------Congratulations and Best Wishes to all having a birthday or anniversary---May you have many more!!!

What is done in the public's name is done in our name, every one of us, whether we like it or not. / Three groups spend other people's money: children, thieves, politicians. All three need supervision.

Have a good week and please dress up and stay warm.


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