One Nation, Under God
Thursday, December 8th, the Local Advisory Council (LAC) of Malta, met at the Tin Cup for a “Holiday Humor Event”. The LAC members had invited all the clergy of Malta and guests to join them for a time of sharing and each was invited to share a joke or funny story with the group.
The LAC recognizes that many within our community suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affect Disorder), a leading contributor to depression. From there, the situation can cause the onset of other issues and the group shared with one another laughs and stories.
Some of stories related to work; some have been in their occupation for four or five decades and as the saying goes, “you can’t make this stuff up!”
After a round of wholehearted laughs, the individuals decided we will need to bring or add things to our life that bring smiles to our faces. Some of the possibilities mentioned were a book club, casual and relaxing events similar to the one shared, a baking (and eating) group and a widow/widower group.
More often than not, we tend to withdraw more easily than we branch out and reach for a friend. Pr. Joe Haney and Pr. Orvin Solberg shared some heartwarming stories and threw in a joke as well, and recognize the need for fellowship and extending a hand, or if the situation is such, a listening ear. Too often we don’t take the time to even offer a handshake…we are all guilty.
This year has been a difficult one for many. Many of our friends and family have passed; let’s make an effort to reach out, even if it’s only a phone call…it might be all that someone is needing. Don’t forget about our veterans, the elderly, handicapped and shut-ins. You can share one smile with someone, you haven’t used them all.
If you have questions or would like more information, contact Janice Reichelt at the clinic.
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