One Nation, Under God

Loring News for Wednesday, November 23, 2022

I had the best time watching those eastern bluebirds this past week. They have all taken off for warmer areas and I hope they stop again another year.

Congratulations to the jamboree girls North Country for winning third place. Brytin Clark played from here. Now the high school teams are practicing and soon they’ll be competing too!

Tina and Chuck Russell are the proud grandparents of Malcolm. He’s a month old and Tina is soaking up all the snuggles she can. Congratulations!

I spent the week in Billings visiting my sister and her family, my grandkids, and my great-grands. I house-sat while David was gone.

The weather was mostly cold and windy this week. A little ground blizzard was taking place south of Malta when I went down to Billings on Monday. And the road was closed to traffic on


Be kind!


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