One Nation, Under God

Hunting Season in Montana...get a clue!

The weather on the opening weekend of the general hunting season surprised more than a few folks.

Hunters fled camps when snow collapsed their tents. Others awaited rescue after their vehicles got stuck in the mud.

The storm, which had been forecast for a week, dumped snow in the mountains and rain on the prairie.

What were they expecting?

It’s hunting season in Montana.

Get a clue.

The first hunting camp I worked was deep in the Beartooth Mountains. After setting up the camp we left a young wrangler named Mouse there to cut firewood and tend to things until we returned with the hunters.

It snowed while we were gone and instead of knocking the snow off the tents Mouse simply took shelter in a partially collapsed one.

When we rode into camp the next day Mouse sheepishly greeted us. He was soon sent packing.

At least he hadn’t called for help.

These days that’s the first resort.

Call somebody.

My friend Steve and I took a different approach when we first started hunting the Breaks. I remember getting stuck on the UL Bend crossing a flat that was wetter than it looked. Once the wheels started to spin on the old two-wheel-drive pickup we weren’t going any farther.

Instead of a cell phone, however, which wasn’t even a thing, we grabbed a couple shovels and a Handyman jack out of the back of the truck and went to work. In an hour we were moving again.

They call it self rescue now.

It’s what folks on the coast are warned they’ll have to do if they don’t evacuate before a hurricane. Many don’t do either and still call for help after the predicted weather arrives.

I’d like to think hunters are smarter and more resourceful than that, but a lot of them don’t have a clue. They do, however, have cell phones, and are quick to use them.

I’ve always thought of hunting as much more than simply shooting an animal. It’s also about being capable enough to get yourself out there and back, dig yourself out when you’re stuck, and having the where-with-all to shake the snow off the wall tent when necessary.

Mouse didn’t do any of that. And while he may be no more capable or resourceful today than he was then, I’ll bet he’s got a cell phone and knows how to use it.

Some people just need help.

Some hunters, too.

Parker Heinlein is at [email protected]


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