One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Thirty-seven of my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren came from all over to honor me with a 90th birthday party. This was a day I sincerely thought I would never see. The only down of that day could and quite unexpectedly only be the terrible first winter storm of, the season. Winter was definitely here. It was very nice, and I thank all the people I have known for so long for coming to wish me well and for all, the cards, etc. I received.

On Sunday the town council and Mayor Arocha honored Terri Cole and me for having served as the first women Mayors of Dodson. It was an honor to have served the years that I did, and the building of the new Sewer Lagoon was definitely the biggest thing that happened during those 12 years. Dodson's mill levy does not generate much per each so, like all, Dodson has a small income and must cut corners and work to get things done. All in all, though, the people who live here were good and worked together ----we had a nice community, many of the people being from several generations. Thanks to everyone who helped us over the years and for giving Terri and me such a nice party in such terrible weather. It was indeed God's blessing that everyone attending all the doings on both days made it back to, their homes safely.

Mary Smith, Loretta Nordlund, and Polly Solberg visited Dora Henry's this week to wish her well, on her life's changing.

Polly Solberg and Dora Henry visited in Havre on Sunday and attended the 90th Birthday Party for former resident Betty Munson. While there they attended Church at The Fifth Avenue Christian Church for services. Services for Carol Williams, beloved wife of Dan Williams of Landusky were held in Malta on Saturday. Condolences are sent to all the family.

Congratulations to all having a birthday or anniversary this week.

The world is endless, the universe inexhaustible, and the human brain will never be threatened with unemployment.

Have a good week and thank everyone for helping make it so.


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