One Nation, Under God

Updates, Upkeep and Vandalism on Council Agenda

The City Council was all present for the October 11th meeting in the City chambers. Mayor Demarais was back from a trip east for Montana Rural Waters, and PWD Jim Truelove had returned from a conference in Kalispell.

PWD Truelove stated his conference to the Montana League of Cities and Towns was “interesting” and he thanked the council for letting him attend.

Truelove reported that pumps for the lift station at Ezzie’s had been ordered; they would be installed when they arrived; all the park sprinkler systems had been winterized; and he reported that the sewer lagoon would be winterized later in the week. Repairs and maintenance continue, PWD Truelove reported a new three inch valve had been ordered for the bulk water station and will be installed once it arrives.

Plans are in place for a dig behind Heritage Manor to repair a leaking corporation next week. With several utilities in the area, it may prove to be a slow progress.

PWD Truelove reported that the Hillcrest Park/Skate Park bathroom was closed for the season this past weekend because of vandalism.

Next on the agenda Lorie Bond, City Clerk, stated there had been vandalism to the men’s bathroom would subject to being closed if vandalism continues. She stated someone had been “very creative with BM”. The vandalism the last couple months has caused extra work for the city crew and staff, besides, as in this situation, being disgusting and odious.

The vandalism and deliberate destruction of property are poor examples of “Art in the Park”, they do not add to the appeal of a small town atmosphere. It is doubtful that any of the individuals who deem this as acceptable or normal behavior would ever want to add this to a job resume’ for a job.

Councilperson Rummel reported that the Great Plains Dinosaurs Museum had been winterized for the season.

Clerk Bond presented the September financials, current check register, current shut off list, September payroll overtime, vacation, and sick leave reports.

Clerk Bond also reported that she would be meeting with Nadene Wadsworth from DNRC tomorrow about the levee recertification and that on Thursday she would be traveling to Fort Benton to the mandatory in person DES Mitigation Meeting.

Coleen Kautt, from the Phillips County Ambulance Services, had asked about holding a Town Hall meeting at the Event Center and wanted to know if Council would agree to waive the user fees. The Ambulance Service wants the public to know that the ambulance service is in dire need of EMTs. Mayor Demarais informed Council he would waive the user fees for the EMT meeting.

Mayor Demarais informed Council that there would be a variance meeting sometime in the future.

PWD Truelove reported that there would be a wedding taking place at the event center this weekend. Councilperson Wiederrick reported that the blinds at the Event Center needed to be replaced; Councilperson Wiederrick was approved to pick out the new blinds.

In final action of the meeting, PWD Truelove reported that the tie in to the sewer main for the new Trafton Park Lift Station had taken place last night and he passed around pictures of the process.


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