One Nation, Under God

City and Its Council Provides Updates

The first City Council meeting in September brought a few regular agenda items and reports from various departments. A public hearing of the alley between Ron Scott and Janet Berg was held.

First on the regular agenda was the report from Jim Truelove, Public Works Director. He reported lines in Hill Crest had been flushed, with some positive results, though not all the issues brought to the surface at the last meeting had been alleviated. Results were noticed more so at the bottom of the hill than at the top. Jim stated he accessed some meters and would attempt another possibility.

For clarification, the crew working on the east avenues is replacing a primary gas line.

The speed limit sign is sending some error messages and they are being addressed. The PWD also stated the grass garbage’s will be brought in since the growing season has slowed. The sweeper is out and hitting the streets.

There was a water dig Monday evening, which “started as a private property dig, and then the train wreck happened, but it’s fixed. And it’s all good!”

Truelove stated he had visited with the PCN in regard to dog calls; “all dog calls (animals at large) will have a citation written. Period. No returning the dogs, the owners will be cited… and they can settle it with the (City) Judge.” The animals will no longer be tolerated.

Next on Jim’s report was mosquito spraying; with cooler weather, the spray is cut back. Rather than placing an order for chemicals to have them sit for the winter, Malathion, which the City has on hand, will be utilized.

The high school had contacted the PWD and inquired about placing suicide posters in Veteran’s park to help bring awareness, and the Council agreed it was a worthwhile cause.

The City reminds residents to break down the cardboard boxes that are placed in the canisters. Bins that are filled and become an issue may receive a letter from the City.

Announcements from Clerk Lorie Bond included: October 27th a child abuse prevention program seminar at 1 pm, at the Event Center, sponsored by MMIA. Lesa Williamson has been painting the shelters at the rest area. Staff from the DNRC Flood Plain Program will be in town next month to work on levee recertification.

Sally Wright, reporting for the Parks and Rec, shared that 77 children had turned out for youth soccer, the season concluded with a single elimination tournament on September 9th. The Malta Dance group would perform at halftime of the football game on homecoming day, Friday, September 15th. The fall session of yoga started Tuesday and will continue through October 11th. Fall Tiny Tots will start September 27 and run until November 17th; Little Tip-Toe ballet enthusiasts will start September 27th and run through November 15th, for ages 3-5 and kindergartners.

Mayor Demarais informed the Council of the need for a sound system at the event center; an estimate will be provided to him in a while. He also inquired of PWD Truelove as to RCAN placing local beef in freezers at the Center for school lunches; Truelove stated it has been delivered and an alert system will be in place should the freezers shut down for any reason. Truelove also reported that the Flygt Pump for the Trafton Lift Station Project had arrived.

Next on the agenda under New Business the Council heard from City Attorney Dan O’Brien as to the easement between Ron Scott and Janet Berg. Mr. O’Brien stated that the City would have to pass a resolution to discontinue the alley and he would help the City draft the needed resolution. Councilperson Sintler moved to grant the request to discontinue the alley, seconded by Councilperson Hicks. Mayor Demarais called for a roll call vote. Councilpersons Sintler Aye, Hicks Aye, Wiederrick Aye, Rummel Aye. Motion Carried.

Mayor Demarais presented Council with Ordinance 456 - An Ordinance Defining Community Decay in the City of Malta, Montana; Establishing Policies and Procedures for the Abatement of Public Nuisances; Disabled or junk vehicles or junk to be in view of the public from any public right of way; Providing Penalties for Violation Thereof. Councilperson Wiederrick moved to adopt Ordinance 456, seconded by Councilperson Sintler. Mayor Demarais called for a roll call vote. Motion carried.

The Mayor then presented Council with a letter requesting a three-month extension on the term of the MCEP grant agreement with the Montana Department of Commerce for the City of Malta’s Capital Improvement Plan. This was also placed into motion, voted on, and carried.

Council was presented with Great West Engineering’s Task Order No. 3 Amendment 2 – Malta Trafton Lift Station Additional Grant Administration. Councilperson Rummel moved to approve Task Order No. 3 Amendment 2, seconded by Councilperson Sintler, this also passed. Mayor Demarais read a letter from DEQ about manganese sampling out loud to Council. The letter stated that the City’s system has been identified as having the potential to have manganese present in its source water. DPHHS would send the necessary sample bottle(s) with a prepaid/pre-addressed container to ship the samples to DPHHS. Detection of manganese from a source of water would not result in any type of violation. However, failure to sample would result in a monitoring violation. This was followed by much discussion about the manganese in the City’s water and what is currently being done to make it better.

Councilperson Bill Hicks inquired as to who should receive phone calls with complaints about dogs at night, PWD Truelove stated that people contact him or dispatch after hours.

The next Council meeting will be Tuesday, September 27th at 5 pm.


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