One Nation, Under God

Response to: Ideas, Thoughts, and Input

Dear Editor,

I read Kari's Quiet Corner today. In response, I would, especially, like to see acts of kindness stories printed in the PCN. I realize they would not be a regular feature, and it would take a 'listening ear' to garner those stories.

Another thing: I think it was when Eva Solberg was writing for the PCN that she wrote articles about Phillips County's senior citizens. I found them interesting.

It has been said "that everyone has a story". That was 'brought home to me' when I attended a celebration at Landusky a number of years ago. A man (who I did not know) approached me. He introduced me to his mother and she began a most interesting tale. Unfortunately, I could not pursue it. I could not leave my husband (in Dodson) while gallivanting around the south country interviewing persons of interest. (I was offered a room behind the Zortman Bar but what would my husband do while I was off getting stories?)

I have 'an act of kindness' story that I would like to share. (I am mailing it; I am not computer proficient.) Alice Phillips is no longer living but her children, Judy Simonson, Debbie Phillps, and grandson, Buckshot Nelson all live in Phillips County.

If you print one Senior Citizen story, someone will surely say, "You should talk to _______" (I am most certainly a Senior BUT, I DO NOT WANT TO SHARE MY STORY). And there will be others like me. Some do and some don't.

Betty Munson

Havre, Mont.


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