One Nation, Under God
Round Robin is the most difficult of the 4-H/FFA showmanship competitions. One must win showmanship in horse, beef, hog, or sheep in order to advance to the Round Robin.
There, the top showmen from each class and their animal all compete against each other. In the Round Robin contest each Champion Showman must show their own animal as well as each of the other animals and answer questions about that type of animal, animal husbandry, markets, uses, etc.
The Round Robin therefore, tests the knowledge and skills of each showman in each of the four classes beef, hog, sheep, and horse.
That is why Round Robin is the most difficult to win, one must show and be knowledgeable about not only their own project but the others too.
Lela Domire won RR as Advanced Jr in 2021, and as Senior in 2022.
In 2021, Lela's cousin, Brylee French, won the Senior division and has an Advanced Jr Round Robin Championship under her belt previously, as well. Lela and Brylee are both members of Big Sky Builders 4-H Club.
Brylee French is the daughter of Mark and Staci French.
The two girls come from a long tradition of top Showmen.
Lela is the daughter of Randy and Jessi (French) Domire.
Jessi competed in the Round Robin in both Phillips and Blaine counties. Frequently winning beef and horse showmanship. Jessi won the Round Robin twice. Also, Jessi's brothers Wayne, Michael, and sister Biz Leasiolagi have each won the Round Robin at least once.
Lela's grandpa, Roger French, was one of the top showmen in Phillips County before the Round Robin competition was in place. He was also a 2x FFA Sweepstakes winner. This is a similar type of competition where one must win livestock judging, agronomy, range, and mechanics.
Lela's grandmother, LeeAnn French, showed horses in Blaine County and frequently entered Round Robin with her excellent horse showmanship, and won it once.
Roger French's brother, Mark French (Brylee's dad), won the Round Robin in his time. As did their brothers, Craig & Steve. Craig's daughter, Jacki (Matherne), also has a Round Robin championship to her credit.
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