One Nation, Under God
Dan O’Brien
Cole, Amestoy & O’Brien, PLLP
113 South 2nd Street West
P.O. Box 1280
Malta, Montana 59538
Phone: (406) 654-2541
Attorneys for Personal Representative
In the Matter of Cause No. DP-2022-012
the Estate of
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lorri Williams has been appointed Personal Representative of the above named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred.
Claims must be mailed, return receipt requested, to: Lorri Williams, Personal Representative, c/o Cole, Amestoy & O'Brien, PLLP, P.O. Box 1280, 113 South 2nd Street West, Malta, Montana 59538, or filed with the Clerk of the above Court.
DATED this 1st day of August, 2022.
Dan O’Brien,
Attorney for Personal Representative
(Published by Phillips County News 8/10, 8/17, 8/24/2022
The Malta City Council will conduct two public hearings on August 23, 2022, at 5:01 p.m. and 5:02 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The purpose of the public hearings is to receive public comment(s) on the annual street maintenance assessment and the annual street lighting assessment for 2022/23.
Persons and/or agent(s) may appear in person or send written comments to Mayor Demarais, PO Box 1300, Malta, MT 59538 no later than 5 p.m. August 23, 2022.
(Published by Phillips County News 8/10, 8/17/2022) MNAXLP
The City of Malta will conduct a public hearing August 23, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public comments concerning Ordinance 456 – An Ordinance Defining Community Decay in the City of Malta, Montana; Establishing Policies and Procedures for the Abatement of Public Nuisances; Disabled or junk vehicles or junk to be in view of the public from any public right of way. First reading August 23, 2022. Second reading and adoption September 13, 2022. Persons and/or their agent(s) may appear in person or send written comments to Mayor John Demarais, PO Box 1300, Malta, MT 59538 no later than 12 noon August 23, 2022.
(Published by Phillips County News 8/10, 8/17/2022) MNAXLP
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Phillips County will consider a floodplain permit application for WBI Energy’s proposal to install approximately 17.2 miles of 4-inch diameter steel natural gas pipeline from WBI Energy’s existing Saco Compressor Station to a point on WBI Energy’s Malta Pipeline in Phillips and Valley Counties. The proposed pipeline route and associated access roads and workspaces cross 65 total delineated waterbodies/wetlands, 23 water crossing will be crossed using guided bore methods, 10 water crossings will be crossed using plow or conventional open-ditch methods, and 32 delineated wetlands/waterbodies are located adjacent or cross access roads or approved workspaces. The proposed project has been developed in accordance with the state and federal floodplain regulations.
The proposed project is located at multiple sites in Eastern Phillips County:
NENW of Section 17, T031N R034E; SWSW of Section 15 & SESE of Section 16, T031N R034E; NWNW of Section 17, T031N R034E; SWSW of Section 15 & SESE of Section 16, T031N R034E; NWSE of Section 16, T031N R034E; SENE of Section 17, T031N R034E; SWNE of Section 17, T031N R034E; SENW of Section 17, T031N R034E; SENW of Section 17, T031N R034E; SWNW of Section 17, T031N R034E; NWSW of Section 17, T031N R034E; SWNW of Section 17, T031N R034E; SENE of Section 18, T031N R034E; NE ¼ of Section 18, T031N R034E; SWSW of Section 14, T031N R033E; NWSW of Section 14, T031N R033E; NESE of Section 15, T031N R033E; SESE of Section 16, T031N R033E; NESW of Section 8, T031N R033E; SWNW of Section 8, T031N R033E; NESE of Section 7, T031N R033E; SWNE of Section 7, T031N R033E; NWSE of Section 6, T031N R033E; SWNE of Section 6, T031N R033E; SWNW of Section 12, T031N R032E; SWNE of Section 11, T031N R032E; SESE of Section 10, T031N R032E.
The application is available for public review at the Phillips County Clerk and Recorder’s Office or can be sent electronically by request. Written comments will be accepted through August 25, 2022. Please contact the Phillips County Planning department with questions, (406) 270-1884.
(Published by Phillips County News 8/10, 8/17/2022) MNAXLP
The Malta City Council has determined that it has surplus property and will accept bids on:
Case Loader W20B, John Deere Air Compressor - 5027 hours - 557920T (compressor does not work), 1968 GMC 6000 V-8 - 4245217 miles, 1995 Ford F150 - 113336.9 miles, 2002 Volvo Garbage Truck (Refuse Packer does not work), Briener Cleaner & Sewer A-1433, 4” Irrigation Pipe - 620’, 6” Irrigation Pipe - 460’, 17 Halophane Light Fixtures, Portacool Cyclone 3000 Evaporative Cooler, Leco ULV Mosquito Sprayer, Clark/Grizzly Mosquito Sprayer, Pressure Washer - Model #HSP-3504-3MGH, 13.Single Lung Pump X 2, Gas Powered Pump, Concrete Saw, Electric Hoist for Pick-up, Push Weed Eaters X 2, Various other small engines, pumps, motor & etc. SCRAP: 1988 Chevy Garbage Truck, 1996 Johnston V300 Sweeper.
A complete list of sale items will be available at City Hall.
Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked “bid for ______”. All bids must be received in the city office by 5:00pm on August 23, 2022. For more information or to view the surplus property contact Jim Truelove at 406-301-3264 during regular business hours.
The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Successful bidders will have seven days to pay for the item or it will be offered to next highest bidder.
(Published by Phillips County News 8/3, 8/10, 8/17/2022) MNAXLP
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Phillips County will consider a floodplain permit application for the replacement of the existing Dodson South Canal bridge. The bridge is located in Phillips County on Secondary Highway 204 (Stage Road). The proposed project will involve removing the current bridge at the Dodson South Canal and replace it with a reinforced concrete box culvert at the same location. The proposed project has been developed in accordance with the state and federal floodplain regulations.
The proposed project is located at the site of the current Dodson South Canal Bridge, approximately 1.5 miles south of the town of Dodson (S8, T30N, R27E, NE ¼,NW ¼ ).
The application is available for public review at the Phillips County Clerk and Recorder’s Office or can be sent electronically by request. Written comments will be accepted through August 25, 2022. Please contact the Phillips County Planning department with questions, (406) 270-1884
(Published by Phillips County News 8/10, 8/17/2022) MNAXLP
Notice to Phillips County Taxpayers
FY 2023 Budget and Certified Mill Levy Public Hearing
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Monday, August 22, 2022, at 1:30 p.m. in the County Commissioner’s Office, Phillips County Courthouse, 314 South 2nd Avenue West, Malta, Montana, a public hearing will be held at which time any taxpayer or resident of Phillips County may appear and be heard for or against any part of the proposed budget. Final Budget approval and setting of official Certified Mills is scheduled for Monday, August 22, 2022, at 2:00 p.m.
The proposed county budget for Phillips County, Montana, for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 will be on file in the office of the Phillips County Clerk & Recorder and open for public inspection to all taxpayers beginning at 8:00 a.m. on August 17, 2022.
Lynnel LaBrie, Clerk
(Published by Phillips County News 8/10, 8/17/2022) MNAXLP
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