One Nation, Under God

Loring News for Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The end of July left us with really warm temps, a hot wind, and 24% humidity! The wind was so hot on Saturday I feared a grass fire starting up and zipping over the hills! Thank heaven it didn’t happen!

The new family of flycatchers has hatched. Momma is flying in and out with insects in her mouth for the little ones. I’m not sure how many hatched, but there were four eggs when I counted them earlier. I thought some had been gone but now I’m not so sure!

. The 4-H kids have been busy getting their animals in perfect form! It’s interesting how much work they do to get the grooming just right and the showmanship down right! Good luck to all the kids! Amus Blunt has been working hard on his leather projects!

I hosted an afternoon watermelon party for several friends on Tuesday. Connie Wasson, Carol Lumsden, Cindy Clark, Paula Morrison, and I had a fun time eating watermelon and visiting. Everette, Etta, and Dottie Blunt were also guests.

On Wednesday Carol Lumsden invited me over for dinner. I’m so glad that it’s light a long time, much easier to drive home.

My granddaughter Zoey spent a few days with her dad and was able to visit me for a couple of hours on two afternoons! We made play dough, baked a cake, painted, read dinosaur books, and played with Everette and Etta Blunt!

Cindy Clark spent a few days in Great Falls with her daughter, Becca. She got several chores done while there and had time for some fun events also! She went to the horse races where Buckshot Nelson has had a winning season with his horses! I’m so happy for his success! Have a great week of August! Be kind!


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